Latest News from Cumberland Valley TU



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited has a busy and exciting year ahead. On March 16th, we'll be hosting our annual fundraising banquet, The Limestoner. This is an important event for us and helps fund many of our stream restoration and angling outreach programs. If you'd like further info or would like to make a donation to the banquet (we have raffle and live auction) - please let me know via PM. We'd sincerely appreciate it. CVTU's next membership meeting is on 20 Feb at 7pm at the Monroe Township Bldg near Boiling Springs. You don't have to be a TU member to attend. If you're thinking about joining TU or would just like to hear what's up with Letort etc, feel free to drop by. All are welcome. This particular meeting will feature our own Tom Baltz who will host a presentation of some of his recent video fishing the local waters.

Attached below is the latest newsletter with further info.


  • TightLines0213.pdf
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Thanks for sharing these details. I had a chance to catch up with Justin Pittman at Somerset. A lot of good things going on at CVTU!
