Late summer trout trip?



Jun 5, 2016
Hello all,
I was trying to find somewhere to take a trout fishing trip at the end of this month. It would be from the 28th to the 31. I was looking for any suggestions on where I may be able to go that is is within 4 hours of Pittsburgh. I was originally looking to go to State College and fish Spring creek, LJR and Penns but the lack of rain and warm weather in the extended forecast is probably going to make it not worth the trip. I also considered doing the East Branch of the Clarion, but from what research I have done it seems very similar to the Yough around ramcat and that does not excite me too much (if I am wrong please let me know). I know this is not the best time of year to be looking for a trip for trout, but it is just the way it worked out for me. Like I said, any suggestions would be appreciated and I would be willing to travel about 4 hours from Pittsburgh in either PA or WV. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Cumberland valley limestoners are fishing well.
Lower part of spring would prolly be OK

As for east branch clarion: it would be mostly stocked fish, just like the yough.
But anywhere you can find cold water and rising fish, during the heat of summer, is still worthwhile IMO.
Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow, and lower your expectations