Last few Maryland Trips: Gunpowder, Hunting Creek and Unnamed Stream



New member
Dec 11, 2014
Some small browns and a brookie from Gunpowder, Hunting Creek and an Unnamed Stream over the past few weeks. I had another good trip to Gunpowder in that time frame but lost my phone in the water on that pics and now a new(ish) phone. This includes my first Gunpowder brookie as well my first browns from Hunting Creek.

Dang, I wish my phone took that good of pictures. Those are nicely detailed.

I hear you on the phone in the creek. Streams have claimed two of my phones, though I retrieved them, I couldn't revive them.
BrookieChaser wrote:
Dang, I wish my phone took that good of pictures. Those are nicely detailed.

I hear you on the phone in the creek. Streams have claimed two of my phones, though I retrieved them, I couldn't revive them.

Amazing and awesome how far phone cameras have come isn't, it? Pics taken mostly on iPhone 5. My replacement phone has a 10 megapixel camera camera and the Hunting Creek pics are from that one. Neither are too shabby.

The frustrating part about losing the iPhone in the stream is I invested in a lifeproof case so the phone is more than likely fine. Just couldnt locate it in the 10-15 yard stretch I lost it in. Oh well, I learned my lesson. I'll now have a waterproof case and a method of tethering the phone to me. Should have been case already but I wasn't thinking.
Nice pictures and great fish. I too wish my phone took pictures like that. Nice job!
Great pics, thanks for sharing.
Great pictures, and thanks for sharing! I didn't even know that there were brookies in the Gunpowder. Do you mind if I ask approximately where you were fishing? I probably fish the Gunpowder on ~1/2 of my trips, and I'd love to pull a brookie out of there.
I fish there more than a few times a year. The best I can tell, the brookies are everywhere in the special regs area just in small numbers.