Landing the Big Ones on the Jetty



Dec 20, 2011
The title says most of it I guess. I know you should have rocks scouted out that are easy to get down to the water. But occasionally I read about guys walking big fish like sharks down the jetty to the beach. How does that work with other guys on the jetty? Is there some sort of jjet I fishers etiquette I'm missing out on?
YEP !, most guys will reel in and move to let you by. There is always one or two that don't. (could accidently fall in ) Plus someone or maybe more will help you land it. If you are courtious out there they will hold your spot too.
just walk it down it the best thing you can do. had a spill last fall into the water during a some solid bluefish action. I could stand but it did shake me up. guys will reel in or let you under them. a long net is always a good idea. won't win any fans if you take an 8WT with 10lb tippet out on an ocean jetty in November when big fish are running and the surf is heavy.

With that said, a courteous request to pass other anglers is usually well rec'd and folks will get out of your way. FFers often don't have long handled nets or gaffs, but spin guys often do and will sometimes offer to help land that big fish.