Lancaster Show...Worth the Drive?



New member
Feb 2, 2014
Hey guys,

Thinking about hitting up the Lancaster Show on March 2nd, but I'm about 2 1/2 hrs away. Was wondering if you guys think it's worth the drive? Was in one of my local shops on Saturday who attends the Somerset & Mass Shows and he told me he wasn't doing Lancaster because nobody showed up last year. Just curious what those of you who went last year thought. Wondering if many of the vendors are having the same attitude toward it as this guy.

The short answer is "yes" it's worth the drive.

If you've been to the Somerset version (which is over this year), Lancaster is smaller.

If you scroll down a few threads, there's a multi page thread about this show where you can see what folks are talking about and what their plans are.
Yeah, unfortunately I missed the Someset show, will def be going next year. New to FF as of Oct. so I've never been to any of these shows, but was thinking about checking it out.
Here's a schedule for the seminars, if you're interested in attending any of them.
What a shame that Bob Clouser n Joe Humphries presentations overlap on both days.
