Lancaster FF Show



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Who's going Sunday?
I'll definetly be going to the F4 Saturday night, so I'll probably wait to go see everything till Sunday.
There's an entire, multi-page thread on this topic in the Events and Meetup forum where folks are discussing the days they are visiting.

Lancaster Show
I'll be there tying both days. Looking forward to some vice time although I will miss being out on the ice. I am betting Saturday will be a packed house as it has been the past two years.
I suggest everyone wear name tags with their login names so we can identify each other. Maybe PAFF name tags.
Fishidiot wrote:
There's an entire, multi-page thread on this topic in the Events and Meetup forum where folks are discussing the days they are visiting.

Lancaster Show
Yeah but I'm a crabby old guy and didn't want to sit and read all the posts so I started a new one.