Lake Marburg, York County 6/28



Jun 11, 2009
The trout have slowed down quite a bit, and the Susquehanna still has its problems, so I fished some clear water that holds a lot of small bass and tons of sunfish.
I could see lots of small sunfish a foot from shore and also lots of small bass in the clear water. What a difference from the Susquehanna!! LOL I got sick of fishing in the brown, smelly, mud bottom water and I really needed a change.
A good numbers day for me....... a "Meal for a Mouse" number for me would be about 25 largemouth bass (small from 7" to 12")and about 50 sunfish (up to 6").
I used a 1wt with floating line and weighted nymphs and weighted woolybuggers.
I wet waded, to the bottom of my shorts, in the shallow shorelines and caught all the fish in about four feet of water. It's about one foot deep on the shore and it drops off after five feet. That's a deep lake, but no structure at all, so the shoreline seems to hold most of the fish.
I talked to a park ranger and he said that float tubing is legal there. Now that would be fun in this hot weather!
I wet waded in the 75 degree water, and it was wonderful with this heat spell!
I heard that there are lots of carp there as well. This summer, carp on my 8wt will be my new challenge.
Have any of you fly guys ever used a float tube in a lake? I've owned a couple bass boats and a couple canoes, but you bake in the hot sun and don't catch anything....... but sun poison!!
I sure would like to hookup with a experienced float tuber. I never bought one, but now just might be a good time for me. It looks like it would be very comfy to fish in. You sit in the cool water just like you do watching the stinkin' TV!!
Maski, do you float tube? Lunch on me dude, if you have one.
Tight Lines

I fish Marburg all the time and was out there last week in my kayak. I don't own a float tube nor have I ever seen anyone fishing this lake in one. I do agree that it would be an effective method. The cove water temps are cold for late June this year and emergent vegetation is finally up. In my experience, Marburg fishes best with fly gear in the morning during the summer, the fish (bass and larger bluegills) are usually deep by mid morning. You're right about carp, the coves are loaded with them, I must have seen at least a hundred the last time I was out, many over 10 lbs and a few giants. I've never tried to catch carp from my kayak. The times I've been out this year haven't produced much for me - glad to hear someone's catchin 'em.
Water clarity looks great. Nice to know you don't have to go far off shore to get into some fish. I may have to swing over there after work some morning and see what I can land. Just waiting on some tackle for my 8wt to show up!