lake Marburg white perch

Jun 4, 2011
Hey Everyone,

I've been hearing about all the whie perch in L. Marbug, and having lived near the chesapeake my whole life I love to get into a school of white perch on the flyrod non-stop action!!

So I'm wondering has anyone had any luck from shore or wading catching white perch on fly. Most of what i come across is people who catch them in 20-30 feet of water trolling. Do these fish come to the shallows in the fall or spring? On the bay and it's tribs all you needed was 2 feet of water to find them, are they more deepwater fish in lakes?

I was bass fishing there 2 nights ago and could see some tight schools feeding out a good bit past my casting range but would bet those were white perch hitting bait.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I only have experience with white perch in Rocky River in Ohio, and have caught some white perch(and also white bass) in the lower river closer to Lake Erie in the summer. I never fished Marburg, but I would guess they would come shallow in the spring to spawn, and from my experiences possibly in the summer also.
I'd fish below the dam 🙂- In all seriousness white perch are amazing fish to eat. But if you're going fly fishing, then why not go for the browns in the Cadorus? They will be stack up around Krafts Mill Rd this time of year...There's one hell of a run up the Gunpowder in April too; all the way up to Prettyboy dam THOUSANDS!!!!! The Middle Patuxent in MD at Savage Mills has a large run, as well as Shad.

Anyway, if you're going to fish Marburg go to the dam and fish the thermocline. You never know what you're going to get...
I fish the TT section of Codorus a good bit, but with all the rain the discharge has been high and varies, making it hard to fish below the dam, I hit that more as the discharge steadies and then fish it all winter, I have had some good days there, no really big fish yet but lots of browns.

I'm going to try the kayak friday on Marburg and see what I can do to find some White Perch