Knot Help - Clinch vs. Non-Slip Loop Knot



May 2, 2021
Collegeville, PA
Hey Fellow Anglers,

I'm a beginner just getting back into the sport after a 20+ year hiatus (needless to say, the skills are a bit rusty).

I've been fishing a lot of streamers recently. In trying to figure out what knots work best for me, my go-to is a clinch but have heard the non-slip loop knot is better for streamers. Curious as to what the primary difference is...

Thanks in advance!

The non slip loop knot will give your streamer more action because it can move around more freely as compared to other knots. That's because while the fly is attached to your line, the knot isn't tight against it so it can "swim" more as opposed to being pulled through the water. If streamers is something you do alot, you should look into the loop.
Hello Kobalt, I come and go from Mill Hall annually, nice area.

I concur with the loop knot comment and there seems to be a correlation btwn the size of the tippet. The smaller and lighter the streamer and the heavier the tippet the more the loop knot helps.

In lakes I use Ox - 3x and Only tie the loop for small streamers. When in rivers or weed free lakes I use 4x - 5x tippet and rarely tie a loop knot....especially since I'm usually chucking the heavier streamers in that environment.

I'm not the most successful fisherman but this is how I handle Loop Knots.
Hopefully, I can post the You Tube video on tying the non-slip knot which is a big help for me.

These mitten clamps are great for this knot which I like a lot since my go to fly is a wooly bugger in different colors, sizes, both bead and cone head.

It is also a great tool for making hooks completely barbless and I know that there is a You Tube video on how to do that.
Thanks everyone for responding to the question (Canoetripper - the video was really helpful).

Trying to continue mastering the Davy knot as well as uni. This one is next in the books.
Davy knot as well as uni: good thinking!
albertw27 wrote:
Thanks everyone for responding to the question (Canoetripper - the video was really helpful).

Trying to continue mastering the Davy knot as well as uni. This one is next in the books.

I recently learned of this knot...and the Orvis Knot. The Orvis Knot is simply the Davy Knot with 2 wraps in the second loop. It is a stronger knot.