Kish creek brown trout



Dec 9, 2012
I've been trying to get out to the local trout streams in the evenings lately, thinking I'll catch the sulfurs coming off at some point. Last couple nights on kish there weren't many bugs on the water, but a few fish were caught - a few brown trout, several fall fish, and a big sucker.

The one notable catch was the largest brown trout I've ever caught! I was so excited to have caught it that I wasn't quite sure what to do when I got it in my net! Luckily jifigz was there and had the presence of mind to snap a couple quick pictures before I released it. I didn't measure it, but I'm thinking it was at least around the 18-20" mark, and heavy! Caught in the class A section of kish creek, and looked like a wild fish to me - had a prominent spot behind the eye, and it's fins were in good shape. Took an olive wooly bugger.



Awesome fish man! That thing looks healthy for sure. Nice job, and congrats!
That's awesome! Congrats, that's a great fish, Jeremy.
Thats a slob!
Terrific brownie! It looks very well fed.
Nice fish

Great job and congratulations on a great brown trout! I caught my best fighting (not longest) wild brown trout this April on Penns when the flow was at 1100 cfs. I was conviced that it had broken the 20" mark, but later measurement of my rod showed 18.5". But, like yours, it had a very mature jaw and was deep. Between the fight and the 1100 cfs flow, my adrenaline was so pumped up after landing that fish that I just had to relax and smoke a celebratory cigar.

Again congratulations, it feels great to land a big fish like that!

Nice job getting back into the water still healthy!
That's a good fish, congratulations!
Jeremy, that is a great fish. Congrats.

Nice catch!! GG
That is one heck of a brown!!! Great catch!!! Not being super familiar with Kish Creek and not seeing great resolution on the pics. Would that fish likely be a wild brown, hold over or fresh brood stock? From what I can see, I'd guess holdover or wild, regardless good job and I'm sure that catch won't be soon forgotten.
Not an expert on Kish, but.....They have a pretty large trophy trout rodeo on this stream. Though I can't tell by the photos.
dude! way to go!

I was working a run around charles st a few weeks ago and was very surprised by that stream. first time on Kish.

thanks for sharing!
Glad to see you put it up for some bragging rights lol. The fish was most definitely a wild brown trout and a beauty at that.
Nice fish!
Very nice trout, and very likely a wild fish. Last week the Kish had nice hatches of olives and March Browns, and I caught good numbers of wild browns, but nothing near the size of your beast; more like 8 to 10 inches.
Well done Jeremy! Now on to the next big 'un. You've started a trend now toward bigger fish that will never end. That's what living this sport does for us. Puts us in a quality vs. quantity mindset. A good thing too!
Great fish, Jeremy.

Let's all remember the phases a fly fisher goes through.

Phase 1) We want to catch a fish.

Phase 2) We want to catch a lot of fish.

Phase 3) We want to catch a big fish.

Phase 4) We want to catch a difficult fish.

Phase 5) We just want to go fishing.

I'm at Phase 5.
Very nice fish! Here's what I always do with my nets. Bear In mind I don't buy anything fancy. First I measure the inside of the bow. (latest net is 14.5") Quick reference for medium size fish and easy to get a length with the fish in the water. Then I take a black marker and mark 1 in. increments all the way out to the end of the handle. Sometimes I'll make a reference mark at 20. You can now get an accurate measurement and still get you fish back in good shape. But mostly nice fish!