Kish Creek - Another Class A / Stock Mix That Needs to End



Active member
Jul 7, 2021
Was planning on taking a trip up to Kish this weekend, only to realize that the summary booklet has the entire Mann Narrows section roped off until opening day. Has this been the case in the past with how far they extend the limit? Are they actually stocking fish in the Mann Narrows section? I have caught stockers in here before, but mostly wild browns. It is just a crazy mix to me that does not make sense.

Who can I contact to influence a change on this particular stream?
IF you are talking about Section 5, a quick check shows that section closed during the "Closed Period" going back at least to 2019.

It's one of the infamous 12 "Streams Sections Designated as Both Class A Wild Trout Streams and Stocked Trout Waters" so good luck with getting that practice to stop.

Section 6 downstream of the railroad trestle IS NOT part of that closure and is NOT a "Stocked Trout Waters" section but it is Class A so if you take Mike's advice to stay 25 feet below that trestle and stay 25 upstream of the Mill Street Bridge you are legal.
Good luck in changing that. Good on you if you do but the local community would go bananas. The trout derby they have down there draws big numbers and benefits the fire company. It’s literally elbow to elbow from the fairgrounds to burnham. Never have I witnessed such a circus on a trout stream.
The regs booklet says Section 5 starts 1.5 miles above the confluence of Tea Creek, is 3.7 miles long, and ends at the Penn Central Railroad bridge.

Which means that the end is 2.2 miles below Tea Creek. So the railroad bridge referred to must not be the one in Reedsville near the mouth of Honey Creek. It must be the rr bridge below Reedsville and above Yeagertown. There's a railroad bridge right next to a road bridge there. Upstream a ways from the baseball field.

This would mean that the Narrows is included in the "infamous" Class A but stocked category.
The regs booklet says Section 5 starts 1.5 miles above the confluence of Tea Creek, is 3.7 miles long, and ends at the Penn Central Railroad bridge.

Which means that the end is 2.2 miles below Tea Creek. So the railroad bridge referred to must not be the one in Reedsville near the mouth of Honey Creek. It must be the rr bridge below Reedsville and above Yeagertown. There's a railroad bridge right next to a road bridge there. Upstream a ways from the baseball field.
I was told by a local that 3rd st bridge in Yeagertown is a stocking point and the RR bridge is the one at the mill in Yeagertown but maybe I got bad info. The RR bridge at mill in Yeagertown may check out mileage wise but idk.
The former PRR/PC bridge that is referenced as the lower Section 5 limit is the double tracked RR trestle by Pretzel Lane in Yeagertown.
Was planning on taking a trip up to Kish this weekend, only to realize that the summary booklet has the entire Mann Narrows section roped off until opening day. Has this been the case in the past with how far they extend the limit? Are they actually stocking fish in the Mann Narrows section? I have caught stockers in here before, but mostly wild browns. It is just a crazy mix to me that does not make sense.

Who can I contact to influence a change on this particular stream?
Take a kid along with you and you can fish wherever you want. It is mentored youth day tomorrow.
Was planning on taking a trip up to Kish this weekend, only to realize that the summary booklet has the entire Mann Narrows section roped off until opening day. Has this been the case in the past with how far they extend the limit? Are they actually stocking fish in the Mann Narrows section? I have caught stockers in here before, but mostly wild browns. It is just a crazy mix to me that does not make sense.

Who can I contact to influence a change on this particular stream?
Hey bud, just relax. I was born and raised in Mifflin County and have been fishing Kish my entire life. Mann's Narrows is also the most heavily fished and heavily stocked section of Kish. There is even a big money tourney on that section with tagged fish and all that. Kish gets fished hard and stocked hard. Also, the above posts have accurate information. The bridge in Yeagertown is the limit and, as someone else put it, the locals would go bananas. I used to care about this a lot more but the wild browns are doing great in Kish, so I'll leave you to fight the battle of trying to get the narrows to stop getting stocked.

I don't mean this in a negative way, but if you didn't know that was stocked then you definitely aren't very familiar with the stream.
Hey bud, just relax. I was born and raised in Mifflin County and have been fishing Kish my entire life. Mann's Narrows is also the most heavily fished and heavily stocked section of Kish. There is even a big money tourney on that section with tagged fish and all that. Kish gets fished hard and stocked hard. Also, the above posts have accurate information. The bridge in Yeagertown is the limit and, as someone else put it, the locals would go bananas. I used to care about this a lot more but the wild browns are doing great in Kish, so I'll leave you to fight the battle of trying to get the narrows to stop getting stocked.

I don't mean this in a negative way, but if you didn't know that was stocked then you definitely aren't very familiar with the stream.
What do you think it is that makes the Kish special in this regard?
What do you think it is that makes the Kish special in this regard?
Special in which regard? It is a large limestone influenced stream much like the Little J and Penns. It lacks the beautiful outdoors feel of those and trades it for a more urban setting in many places. It gets heavily stocked and this leads to both pros and cons, neither of which I will get into here. It has a thriving wild brown trout population.

Also, I've noticed all outsiders put a "the" before it's name.....just an observation. I would be willing to wager I've logged more hours on this stream than any board member here, and damn near anyone that fishes it, and I know it very intimately. It's truly been a great friend to me at many times in my life.
Does anyone know what biomass of wild trout they find in surveys of Kish Creek?
It’s nothing special. Move along here. Penns/Little J/Spring is where it’s at.

I meant special in that it's not affected by stocking like other streams. I remember reading one of the Pa. books, I guess it wasn't the Landis book:), that detailed a steam survey that showed a lot of trout left in the fall. I have only fished it a few times but loved it.
I meant special in that it's not affected by stocking like other streams. I remember reading one of the Pa. books, I guess it wasn't the Landis book:), that detailed a steam survey that showed a lot of trout left in the fall. I have only fished it a few times but loved it.
I don't think most wild brown trout populations are as damaged by stocking as many of us believe.

If by "a lot of trout left" in the fall you mean the stockie bows then yes, they are also present.
I meant special in that it's not affected by stocking like other streams.
It's not safe to assume that it's not affected by stocking.