Kindness of strangers



May 11, 2007
Today I was fishing my local stream for stocked trout. Had already tried Chambers lake and there was no bite to speak of plus really windy.

Was doing fairly well in the fast water and covering a fair bit of stream. I fished a super fast run below a father and son who were in the next pool. Tight lining immediately produced a nice size brown which I eventually lost. A couple casts later I hooked a large (about 20") Rainbow which tore upstream into the next pool where the father instructed his son to reel in. Then it ran downstream into the next pool below and I had to chase which involved stumbling and muttering. The fish was well hooked and eventually I did land her.

This is the nice part; the stranger upstream volunteered to take a picture for me and crossed the stream in a fairly fast section to do so. Because of that I was able to keep the fish upright in my large rubber net and she swam away easily. I played the fish longer than I wanted as it was on a 5X dropper and big stocked Rainbows sometimes don't respond well. He sent me the pictures this eve. and said his son asked if they could catch that fish again. I responded by saying he was setting a great example for his son and I hope he did catch it.
Thanks for sharing a nice story. We hear so much about the downside of stream interactions, so its nice to hear the upside
Nice to hear ! And its always nice to see some positivity in the world ..
Best interaction with a spin fisherman in a long while!
Strangers, = brotherhood! Yes, the stranger is no stranger than I. Update on the stranger. Let's look at just the past 4 days of strangers!

4-22 -21. Stranger John, stopped with a bottle of Black Velvet, I was tying flies and the 2 dozen, i tied i gave away to him, Same day Danny stopped, with a huge box of shipping boxes, gave him the other 2 dozen tied! Then we went fishing, I found a pod! Said , "Dan, catch 4, well Dan caught 7 and missed 6 and had 3 hook ups, with loss1

Got home, a case of beer was left by who knows who yet. Got a call from a stranger, case of beer when i hit Pine Creek. $105.00 dollars on ebay leader sales from strangers!

4- 23-21, Dan stopped, went fishing, Muncy Creek! Windy, joyful but few, neighbor stopped by with a smoked chicken. Got a call from a stranger who brought over Tuna, Noodle, Cassorole! Flies gone again!

4- 24- 21. Dan called, we fished, caught oome, i ran out of loot. He gave me a 20 for smokes and said,"keep the change" for the flies. Got home, bell rang, John, the stranger brought Lasagna, home cooked by wife, garlic bread and a cool one!

4- 25- 21. Dan and i went fishing. John called, daughter called, son called, .

4- 26- 21. John a different guy stopped by, he said, " i am checking to see if you are o k." Fine i replied, as i was tying my 25th caddis fly, well, i boxed them up and away they went with ny pal, you know, the unforseen.

So, the order of flies, i was selling to my Pocono friends, were all given away. Pocono friends will understand, they know me well.

How do they know! Strangers were we, till i unstranged the deal, smoth drink, couple of leaders, couple of flies, a shake, a wink, a spark of Pa. Dreams and a , "till we meet again".

Yeah, i love strangers, they get a chance to see the stranger in me. Seems they like that strange. Now they a friends. Good one's.

Too bad for the Pocono strange, that ordered 6 dozen flies. I tried but gave away 12 dozen in the process. That stranger will not be mad, he knows me well!

maxima12 wrote:
Strangers, = brotherhood! Yes, the stranger is no stranger than I. Update on the stranger. Let's look at just the past 4 days of strangers!

4-22 -21. Stranger John, stopped with a bottle of Black Velvet, I was tying flies and the 2 dozen, i tied i gave away to him, Same day Danny stopped, with a huge box of shipping boxes, gave him the other 2 dozen tied! Then we went fishing, I found a pod! Said , "Dan, catch 4, well Dan caught 7 and missed 6 and had 3 hook ups, with loss1

Got home, a case of beer was left by who knows who yet. Got a call from a stranger, case of beer when i hit Pine Creek. $105.00 dollars on ebay leader sales from strangers!

4- 23-21, Dan stopped, went fishing, Muncy Creek! Windy, joyful but few, neighbor stopped by with a smoked chicken. Got a call from a stranger who brought over Tuna, Noodle, Cassorole! Flies gone again!

4- 24- 21. Dan called, we fished, caught oome, i ran out of loot. He gave me a 20 for smokes and said,"keep the change" for the flies. Got home, bell rang, John, the stranger brought Lasagna, home cooked by wife, garlic bread and a cool one!

4- 25- 21. Dan and i went fishing. John called, daughter called, son called, .

4- 26- 21. John a different guy stopped by, he said, " i am checking to see if you are o k." Fine i replied, as i was tying my 25th caddis fly, well, i boxed them up and away they went with ny pal, you know, the unforseen.

So, the order of flies, i was selling to my Pocono friends, were all given away. Pocono friends will understand, they know me well.

How do they know! Strangers were we, till i unstranged the deal, smoth drink, couple of leaders, couple of flies, a shake, a wink, a spark of Pa. Dreams and a , "till we meet again".

Yeah, i love strangers, they get a chance to see the stranger in me. Seems they like that strange. Now they a friends. Good one's.

Too bad for the Pocono strange, that ordered 6 dozen flies. I tried but gave away 12 dozen in the process. That stranger will not be mad, he knows me well!


You always have a lot going on and you wouldn’t have it any other way. I think it keeps you young.

Is the NY friend the one I’m thinking of? Or someone different?

Ny friend said he would call around 4-15-21. Young, sorry, that blew away with the wind! Much has blown by my eyes! Many a swift reach caught. Much i could not reach, not because i wanted too. Many, because they were not trustworthy.

65 now, started at 18, learned a lot! Lost a lot! All i lost has never equaled to the gain, what gain? Well, it is the purpose. Keep on keeping on. When i travel up Pine Creek, i say, "i fished there", I did, it all.

Brookland Club to Susq river. Wish i could do it again then one more time. But that is just 1. Top to bottom was my deal!

My time will come, sure as tomorrow! The gift i have received from Pa and friendship of fishermen. Well, truthful, i have outlived many!

Pa., has been the best to me, the surroundings, the friendships, the flyshops. shops, bars, gas stations! I found good friendship, with many, i never met, Never intended to meet, only intended to help!

It worked, i helped! I helped from the animals with big teeth, you see them on youtube! Animals, strange, you follow! 35 years later, who is John Fave, I never thoght it mattered. who is aa, who is spruce creek, who is harry murray, who is you, it worked out good for all of us. Seeing your face, would it help!

It is a brotherhood, a blood beat, a sacrifice, a sweet freedom, you will not touch, it is hot, tight lipped, and triggered by insanity.

Not a handshake, a verbal commit, that is sacred! I would rather bleed for these friends than ever walk away!

If i mention the names, it is only because, i love them! Never met them, but the most respect and love! There blood runs in my veins.