Killer Caddis Patterns



Dec 16, 2008
I have been getting absolutely crushed lately when I am on the water and the #18 black caddis's are fluttering over the water. Granted I don't have any black hackle in my desk I have been using a black caddis with dark brown hackle, LaFontaine pupa on and below surface, and even caddis w/o hackle. No takers.

Could they really be that turned off by the brown hackle? I am 99% sure drag is not the problem.......

Any suggestions or help would bea great help, I just may have to pick up some Whiting 100's # 18 in black this week.
I doubt it. They are probably just wise to the EHC by now, or they could be on something like egg layers.

Try a more realistic cdc pattern or a more "triggery" fly like a cdc and elk.
Thanks for the tip Jay. I'll pick up some black CDC while I'm out . More money down the commode, the wife will be so thrilled!
Corey - Try to keep in mind the 4 primary triggers to the fish:

1 - size
2 - shape
3 - color
4 - behaviour

I'd seriously doubt that the fish would distinguish between a dark dun cdc and a black cdc. Maybe the fish are keying in on the behaviour (skittering/egg laying). Maybe a cdc/elk freshly treated with Frog's Fanny, and skittered like the naturals would be the ticket.....

FWIW - I have some black cdc from Petitjean, and the stems are pretty brittle due to the dying process. Flies tied with it don't look much different at all to ones tied with natural dun cdc......

In other words - if you didn't already buy black cdc, I'd be happy to share some with you (it's a pretty big bag).
Heritage-Angler wrote:
In other words - if you didn't already buy black cdc, I'd be happy to share some with you (it's a pretty big bag).

That's how it starts, first fix is always free..and before you know it, you're up to your eyes in debt, life is falling apart around you and all you can do is meet Heritage down by the hatchery pool for another CDC fix....
Run, Corey, run! The cdc police are onto us. :-D
I like to use a #18 Deer Hair Caddis when the Black Caddis are hatching.

Hook: TMC 100
Body: Dark Gray
Wing: Dark Whitetail Deer Body Hair
Hackle: Grizzly

Has worked well for me over the years.
Ya know, I just remembered one of the first tricks I learned as FFer.

During the little black caddis hatch on the tully, I found that fishing black ants in the film was KILLER.

No idea if it was just a fluke or not, but I only really fished that hatch/method for a year or two. Perhaps it's worth a try.
I've never had much luck with caddis dries, now pupa are a killer for me.
i tie a little black nymph just a plain ole short tail wing case black no ribbing and sometime a tuft of olive antron to help with visibility size 16 or 18 the same size the lil black caddis is and normally fish it in the film and usually have a good day when there is surface activity on laurel hill ck but this year ive not been able to catch one single caddis hatch and further more no surface activity i guess this new job is slowly killing me no time off i dont know if they nreplicate lil egg layers stuck in the film or not or even an emerger i just was given one by a generous man and he said use it on this creek fish it in the film and told me good luck and left
The larvae of that little black caddis has a yellowish coloration to it. try fishing a brassie tied with yellow or brass colored wire.

Fluttering is a key word in this post , Heritage mentions it , try a little twitch or flutter cause those naturals do not usually dead drift like some other aquatic insects , sometimes the meat is in the motion.
I can't believe I am asking this but what does CDC stand for? I honestly have no clue looked up online but never found the site that explained it.
Chetty82 wrote:
I can't believe I am asking this but what does CDC stand for? I honestly have no clue looked up online but never found the site that explained it.

Your google-fu is weak, my friend. :p

When googling terms that you don't understand, add "fly fishing" or "fly tying" to the search.

That link was the second result for "CDC fly fishing" on google.
Apparently my googling is weak I have only been looking up patterns. And materials but I must not be looking for the right place. Thank you sensei jayl. lol