Keys trip



Active member
Jan 15, 2013
As many of you know I went on a Tarpon trip last week. It was really great to be back in the Keys. The fishing was not epic. But it was not horrible. A tropical storm had just passed North of the keys. It pushed a lot of fish off the flats in the back country. The weather was great all week. So we fished hard all week.

I landed 1 fish per day for 5 - days straight. Got the skunk on the last day. I also had 2 - break me off and a couple more eat my fly that I could not get a hook in. Goes that way sometimes. The fish I had ranged from 55 to about 90lbs.

I am happy to say all the fish I got were on a fly of my own design. In fact it was the fly I tied in the tying jam last Feb. The idea was for it to look shrimpy and it did. It looked awesome in the water.
The fish seemed to like it as well.

The fish of the week was on Wed. we were staked out on the ocean side several hundred yards off the shore in about 7' of water.
The fish seemed squirrelly that day. I tried a number of different retrieves, from long strips to fast twitches. Finally I tried a very slow strip. The fist fish I got my fly in front of with a very slow strip ate my fly. I hit him with a strip set and all hell broke loose. After a couple of awesome jumps he took off and ran straight in shore. There was s series of boat docks against shore. He ran right between 2 docks that were about a 100 yds. apart. We took off after him. He ran about 100 yds. then turned and went right through the dock. I quickly backed off the drag. Robert pulled his boat to the dock. Good thing it was low tide. We made it under... only to find out had had gone around another pilling. We backed the boat up and I handed my rod around it to Robert only to find out he had done it again. We backed up again. This time we were on a tough angle. I tried to hand my rod around again. It was tough. I thought for sure my rod would break. After much stress we got it around. He was still on. Something should have broke. My rod, my line, my backing. But it did not. I got him back on the reel and proceeded to have a 25 min. battle. He was a great fish about 90 lbs and gave a very memorable battle. I fought him to the boat and got his picture. What a Chinese fire drill.

A few pics, the fly I was using, the fish that couldn't get away, me putting serious side pressure on that fish. A beautiful shot of the back country on a calm morning.

I am intending to go back next year and do it again. Tarpon fishing is addictive. Trust me. Hope you enjoy my long winded story.




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Nice Mike, got too Love The Keys
Nice going ,Mike.
Used to be a tarpon addict myself with 10 trips to Belieze in 8 years.I must admit that while I was reading your story my pulse sped up as I relived the fight vicariously.
BTW:Nice looking fly.
You made my morning! Thanks!!!
Mike - Great pics and story. I am so envious!

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks guys. It sure is exciting fishing.

GenCon wrote:
Hope you enjoy my long winded story.

Great report Mike and thanks for posting the pics.

I've been to the Keys but never fished. If I went down there again, I would not come back.

Story was not long winded; it was too short.

How was the new guide and what kind of boat did you use?
Great story glad you had a good time.
Amazing fish, that fight sounds incredible, I would have been happy just to witness it as I would have had a very tough time staying composed! Better someone else in that dogfight. Lol. Well done!
Thanks guys. I have been fortunate enough to catch many tarpon.
It never gets old. Can't wait till next year.

Bob Fetter. Guide was great. His name is Robert Kline. His knowledge of the back country is amazing. Not sure what his boat is. He had it custom made. 17' 8'' skiff with a 115 HP. Boat will float in 6'' of water.

Mike, great write up! It's amazing nothing broke fighting that fish. I bet Rick was chuckling :)
Thanks Tyger, I am sure he was. But he must of helped us. There is no way I should have landed that fish. It was also one of Ricks spots.

That's awesome! Too bad there's no video of that epic battle. How did that fish stay on the line?!!!
Well done.