Key Largo


Jul 7, 2008
Looks like I am heading to key largo this December and was wanting to know if anyone has done any fishing around there? I have not been salt water fly fishing (but am rather excited to buy a saltwater rod) or even had a guide before so this will be a completely new experience. If I can get away without a guide that would be great as I do like to explore areas.
The FL Keys are a wonderful place (and not just for fly fishing). The immediate area around Key Largo is perhaps better known for diving rather than fishing and I'm certainly more familiar with Islamorada (which is right down the road). Down below Islamorada there is a bit more public access - much of the Key Largo area is private shoreline. By all means try fly fishing while you're there. There are fish everywhere in the Keys, however, you should know going in that FFing in the Keys is a tough way to catch 'em. Although you'd rather not do so....if you've got your heart set on catching (or even seeing) the Keys glamour fish, you'd do well to hire a guide. There is some public access in the upper Keys but most of the flats are not hard bottom and cannot be waded. You'll be stunned at the beautiful sight of all the shallow water right off RT 1 but much of it is not accessible to a foot bound angler.
fish the bridges at night, snook, tarpon etc. will hang around the lights and current edges. largo is a tough place to get access, if you are staying on the water just go out and cast and walk, good way to find fish...December is tough if there are any cold fronts moving through will put the fish in deeper water for sure..A lot of the areas near bridges have parks where you can stop and fish. Tides are a major factor in finding fish..
Shoot me a PM and I'll point you in the direction to some accessible areas where you can wade flats. December can be a tough month on the flats - hopefully you'll have stable weather without any cold fronts.