Kettle Creek inquiry



New member
Apr 25, 2022
Hi all,

My dad and I are taking our very first trip to Kettle Creek in a few weeks and I was hoping I might get some insight on some locations to check out? Not looking for anybody’s honey holes but some general spots to fish and any insight into the creek itself this time of year would be mightily appreciated!

We’re camping at Ole Bull State Park for reference.
In a few weeks is too late...I'd avoid fishing Kettle Creek for the most part because it will be too low and warm. Fish the feeder streams. Lots of them in that area for brookies.
Yes, fish the colder feeders. Water was low, clear & warming last week.
For next time in the area--turn right out of campground, plenty of side of road parking & access to stream (walk in only)
Turn left out of park & you'll find FFO section a few miles up the road
If he is staying at Ole Bull SP he needs to turn right coming out of the park to go downstream to the FFO area.

As for in a couple of weeks, he could still have a lot of water to fish in the Kettle Ck Class A stretch, which starts only about two miles or so upstream from the park, although some have said it improves upstream by a couple of miles or so from its lower class A section limit.

Additionally, he may still be able to catch stockies from Ole Bull upstream to the Class A section especially if the stream stays cool. (That’s a big “if.”)