Ketchum Release vs. Net



Jun 23, 2010
Anyone switch over to just using the ketchum release gadget? I'm still using a net but I have considered getting one and unburdening myself of the net.
I used to use a net but anymore I mostly wet a hand and scoop em long enough to get the hook out. I did some damage to a fish on Spring with my nylon net so I started leaving it at home...not always but mostly.
I think it all depends on the size of fish on the end of your line and or how tired the fish my be. I use both ( the Ketchum tool and a net). If I'm fishing Laurel Hill stockies and don't want to handle them, the Ketchum tool works fine. When I get to wrestle with a 18"+ trout on the Yough, I've got a Brodin Gallatin Ghost net. Very nice piece. The only thing I don't like about the Ketchum tool is that its not weighted if you drop it in the water. I've tried to put it on a zinger and just never found a convenient place to put it, but that's just me. I'd say give one a try.
Like Hendey said, it depends on the size of fish your dealing with, and also the size of the stream your fishing. Personally, I use a rubber net with a magnet that clips on the back of my vest. Works ok for me. I've been in a lot of situations where a net isn't absolutely necessary, but I've been in just as many where it is extremely helpful if not invaluable.
I can never get the hang of the release tool. I have one on the end of my hemos. I know I'm doing something right, but at this point it's faster for me to land the fish (hand or net) then stumble around with release tool.
another vote for fish, fast water, big fish....the ketchum is nice for smaller flies or dries.

Mkern, get to the bend and lift up. I prefer hemo's when running 7- 8x over the ketchum.....and honestly I'm usually just to lazy to use the ketchum much when I have a net.
Started using the Ketchum tool last year. Once you get the hang of it, it works very well for almost all the trout I catch. Much faster than dealing with the net and almost always better for the fish.
Net or by hand. Went to a rubber net last season. I mush prefer a short pair of curved hemos to the Ketchum tool. Bought one and it lays in the drawer now.