Kelly Galloup cray fish fly...



Apr 19, 2010
Been trying to find a step by step for this fly with no luck. can anybody help me with a link? Thanks in advance.
Have you ever tied a articulated streamer? It's basicly 2 buggers tied together articulated. Lead eyes tied in on the bottom bend of the trailing bugger rabbit strip claws and rubber leggs for antenna.

Here's a pic I enverted the hooks back one up front one faceing down. With one or 2 other changes but I't basiclly the articu-claw of Galloups
Unfortunately to a rookie like myself Pac your pic looks like a pile of fur on a hook. I'm hoping someone can find a step by step video for this one to.
Buy Galloups tyeing dvd he has a step by step of it.
Here ya go .. . . .
The ohio sportsman link is the how you tye the front portion of the craw the galloups craw is articulated.
Here is a link to his Slide Inn.
slide inn craw
Here is a link for the butt monkey as well as many other step by step instructions for flies.

Check out this mouse: