Keep Pemberton Bridge access open for the Little J



Active member
Dec 3, 2006
Well it’s that time of year again.LJRA is paying the annual liability insurance for access to the New Enterprise Stretch of the little J. This section offers superb fly fishing and a lot of water to fish. Any help to LRJA is appreciated. Hope to see you all on the water soon!
Well it’s that time of year again.LJRA is paying the annual liability insurance for access to the New Enterprise Stretch of the little J. This section offers superb fly fishing and a lot of water to fish. Any help to LRJA is appreciated. Hope to see you all on the water soon!
Is there a link?
Just a follow up the link can be used for just a donation for any amount even if you are interested in joining. Just add a note with the space provided that this is for the pemberton access
Thanks All!