Just wondering......


Sep 11, 2006
Just wondering if you could bring back in the site menu, the varied flyshops throughout PA. It was a quick reference and was helpful, no doubt..........
yes please i liked that also! :-D

I look into it. I would like some help if I get it back up. It is a lot of work keeping up to date. It may have to wait until Spring time.


Is the page still available on the old site? If you can get me a text file I will build the page and put it up to the board for review of changes, revisions, deletions, etc.

I am not sure how to or if we can even get to the old sites pages.


If all else fails, perhaps these will help...
Dave, I think we all need to support our local fly shops in any way we can .. I think the page is a great idea. :lol:
Fredrick wrote:
Dave, I think we all need to support our local fly shops in any way we can .. I think the page is a great idea. :lol:

I agree Fredrick, however, I believe this is very dated page, After looking at it quickly, I noticed two shops I added to the last site are not there and a local shop on there that closed 5 years ago.

I urge anyone who reads this message to look at thefly shops page on this site and make comments either adding shops that are missing or shops that have closed, so we can get this updated.


Dave, the link for the sporting gentleman is www.sportinggentleman.com . When you click on there name the website dosen't come up .

Dave, Also you have two of them for the southeast and they moved to a new location its 300 West State ST. Media PA 19063

Thanks Fred :-o

Fixed, Thanks Fred - MC