just wondering



Active member
Feb 6, 2009
has anyone tried tying a GRHE with a biot tail and darker body ? how did it work for you ? and should i even tie more?

they are going into my steelhead box

pix to come soon


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I don't really care for biots, but I tie HE nymphs in a dozen colors, from black to cream.

Sounds like a winner to me.
i never have much luck with biot tails not breaking off , i really like the hares ear soft hackle during a caddis hatch ....oh wait there are good caddis hatches now ........lol
I tye them in almost every color and also on scud hooks. Don't know if they work because I usually have a Royal Wulff on my tippet.
I've caught 1 fish on a natural HE. I've been tying a bunch though lately in different colors. I'm on a quest to make this another go to staple in my box.
I have GREAT success with a bead head Prince nymph for steelhead. Also had pretty good success swinging Hares Ears last year. So will it work? I would think so. You just have to fish it with confidence. I wrap the whole shank of the hook with lead for all my steelhead nymphs, just as an FYI. Keep tying, you've got a little over 2 months before the first run.
I tie alot of my stonefly nymphs with biots and have good success with them in the winter up in L. Ontario tribs....usually fall fish are hot and much more receptive to sucker spawn and other attractor patterns....I generally save the nymphs for Dec-Feb...

Phil L
I tie HE's all sizes and colors. Plus with colored biots
Was never much of fan of hares ears but now I fish one with pretty much every nymph rig. No legs,tail, or wing case needed if you know the secret dubbing blend!
Alpabuck wrote:
if you know the secret dubbing blend!

4:6 SpectraBlend to PowerBait?
Hadnt thought about that Mr FensterMAKER! I'll have to try it with the next batch!
Alpabuck wrote:
Hadnt thought about that Mr FensterMAKER! I'll have to try it with the next batch!

Macher. MACHER! We did not Anglocize the name, damnit. Respect my proud Dutchie forebears.

You guys sell Orvis branded PowerBait? That'd be something to see.
gfen wrote:
Alpabuck wrote:
Hadnt thought about that Mr FensterMAKER! I'll have to try it with the next batch!

Macher. MACHER! We did not Anglocize the name, damnit. Respect my proud Dutchie forebears.

You guys sell Orvis branded PowerBait? That'd be something to see.

It's actually Berkley Orvis just buys from them changes the label charges twice as much!