Just saying hi



Active member
Oct 27, 2017
Just joined the forum the other day and wanted to say hi. Living along the Conodoguinet, most of my fishing has been small mouth. Looking to get into trout, so I'll apologize now if I throw out too many questions:).

Welcome aboard. What part of the "Conny" do you live a long" I grew up in Camp Hill, both the tiny borough and the big zip code. The Conodoguinet and Yellow Breeches where big parts of my youth.
Between Carlisle and Plainfield. I grew up in Mechanicsburg and dad would take us to the Breeches or the Conodoguinet back Rich Valley Rd when we were kids.
I lived in Green Lane Farms from age 6-10. That is in Fairview Township, York County. That is warm water fishing there along the Yellow Breeches Creek. I lived in the borough of Camp Hill from 5th grade until high school graduation.

Even though I have lived in Greensboro, NC most of my life, I consider Camp Hill, PA to be my home town. Pretty soon though, I will have lived just outside of Lititz, PA most of my life.
scs wrote:
Just joined the forum the other day and wanted to say hi. Living along the Conodoguinet, most of my fishing has been small mouth. Looking to get into trout, so I'll apologize now if I throw out too many questions:).

Welcome Steve (again).

Although I'm from Gettysburg, I'm a Connie regular too and love that creek.

Since you're interested in trout, you'll find a lot of valuable information on our forum. Most of our posts are written up by trout guys and deal with matters related to trout fishing. If you haven't already done so, take some time to scoll through the older posts. If you're interested in specific topics or streams, use the Advanced Search box at the bottom of this page. It's best not to re-fresh old threads that are many months or years old as this can cause confusion, but these older threads are often very informative and worth reading.

Regarding specific streams, folks around here can be, understandably, tight lipped about streams that are small or not well known so there may not be as much information or as many reports on them. Fishing reports written up here tend to be on better known waterways. Nevertheless, there is a lot of info on trout streams here.
Nice to see someone else loves this Creek! It's got everything in it, including trout. I've been fly fishing for a few years and feel like I need to expand my comfort zone. The Breeches, Mountain Creek, Big Spring and Shermans are all less than a half hour away. Plus I have a daughter going to Lock Haven and I've heard there's some good fishing up that way.
scs wrote:
Nice to see someone else loves this Creek! It's got everything in it, including trout. I've been fly fishing for a few years and feel like I need to expand my comfort zone. The Breeches, Mountain Creek, Big Spring and Shermans are all less than a half hour away. Plus I have a daughter going to Lock Haven and I've heard there's some good fishing up that way.

Since you're in Carlisle, have you considered joining Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited? We're a good organization much involved with the protection of trout streams such as the ones you list above.

CVTU has its meetings every third Wed of the month (none in Dec) at the Monroe Township Fire Hall near Boiling Springs. You're welcome to drop by as a guest in Nov. You can check us out and see whether you'd like to join at a later date. Trout Unlimted is worth supporting if you are keen on becoming a trout enthusiast
May have to do that. Thanks for the invite
I'm in Camp Hill, actually very close to Green Lane Farms, and also spend quite a bit of time on the Connie. It's probably one of the most underrated streams in the south Central part of the state.