Just Saying Hello



New member
Apr 4, 2012
Hello from Central PA!

New to the forum, just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm from King of Prussia, PA just outside of Philadelphia but currently live in Central PA, surrounded by some great flywaters. I'll definitely be asking more questions than I'll be answering so thanks in advance.

I'm very green to the sport, been bass fishing for years, met a friend at college who's a die-hard fly fisherman, hooked a few sunnies at the lake on flyies in the past but got my first rainbow at a small stream last weekend. Now I'm hooked!

My friend hooked me up with a Hemingway reel with some line from Cabelas and he's tying me a bunch of flies as well. I plan on ordering an 8' 5-weight Lacrosse Custom Axis II rod on Monday after I check a local fly shop for some deals this weekend.

Headin up to Jersey Shore, Pa this weekend to fish so wish me luck!

Thanks in advance,

Welcome aboard Kevin. Glad to have you with us. We have a good group of FFer's here and they will give you any help you need.
Hi Kevin,

Welcome to the jungle.......

Foxgap said it true, there are a great bunch of people here and they are quick to help out us poor newbies.

Welcome Kevin

As a new member as well you have found the right board .. great group of guys .. both experienced fishers and the newbies
Welcome Kevin.

there are a great bunch of people here and they are quick to help out us poor newbies.

Its strange how newbs can benefit a more experienced flyfisherman. They definately help to keep me grounded and to not delve too far into the technical side of it.
Just a little update:

Well, I think it's time for an intervention because if I said I was addicted I'd be playing it short. I've been fishing every chance I get, at least a few times a week. Been skunked more times then not, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. After getting used to fishing the regular spots like Spruce Creek, the Little J, and Spring creek up at school in central, pa I wasn't looking forward to coming home to the concrete jungle they call King of Prussia. Turns out while it's no central, pa, it's not all that bad. Fished Valley Creek and got my a$$ kicked by the smart browns in the clear water. Been fishing French Creek, pickering, and Kepner Creek and have had a little luck! Attached are a few pictures of a rainbow hogg from this morning.

Picked up some Rio Grand line too and WOW, my casting has gotten 100x times better. Also starting to figure out what to fish where as opposed to just throwing every bug I have at them until I find something they like.



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