Just checking if there would be support...



Active member
Jan 2, 2007

Today I was doing a bit of writing, as I often do in my little bit of spare time....

I often don't share my writing because I never really had an outlet. I sometimes think blogs are kind of stupid and they end up getting filled with relatively crappy self-centered content so I don't really feel like starting one. I then got an idea that I'd like to put in front of all of you to see if it might work.

I'm a senior computer science major in college now, and I know a good bit about web development as far as php, databases, and all of the other necessary web stuff so I decided I might build my own site.

Here's my idea:

Make a website for fishing stories, both fiction and non. I'm sure strategy would also suffice, but there is plenty of that out there. The idea is that I could put my stuff out there, but mainly that anyone who wants to contribute their work can as well. I'm thinking almost like a grassroots literary fishing/hunting/outdoors magazine. Anyone can contribute by submitting any stories they like.

Ultimately, the goal would be have this take off in to a popular online site, and hopefully get the chance of publishing compilations of some of the better works (at the author's consent) with compensation going to the creator, myself, and also contributing to conservation groups such as TU.

Does this sound like something in which you guys would participate? Would you be interested in reading such a site?

Thanks for being my Guinea pigs...
Jay L,
Sounds like a good idea to me, I can't write very well(look back through some of my old posts!) but there are others out there that can. Wouldn't hurt to try.
Sounds like a great idea, Jay. You know how fishermen like to tell stories...........
Great idea, for the most part we like to share our experiences, the national magazines at best have one article that interests, the rest ot the mag is a sales tool. A regional concept might be an idea.
Why not submit the stories to established internet sites like this one, or the several others that deal with flyfishing in PA? FlyAnglers Online or other general flyfishing sites could be interested also. My thinking is, they already have the traffic that would get your stories in front of others.

Good suggestion. I was just thinking of this because I've kind of wanted to make my mark on the community, with the young ambition and all. I would probably try to include collaboration with many of those sites though, because like you said, the traffic is already there.

Most of my stuff is written streamside with pen and paper, but perhaps I'll type a few up and post them to the reader's corner forum. I encourage others to do the same!
As is often the case you echo my own thoughts. I too like to write (though much of it is written under the influence). I avoided the blog thing because it has a certain dork factor associated with it. I am behind you 100%. My young ambition is rapidly wanning at this point in my life so....