Junior's Big Day



May 2, 2016
This morning we rolled out of the house about 9AM, due east, to head to ORVIS - Plymouth Meeting for Fly Fishing 101. He really wasn't interested in learning how to tie the few knots they showed us,before we went in he told me I was not allowed to get arthritis so I could keep tying them for him. Casting wise, he actually does pretty decent for the limited amount of time he has been at it. I think it was beneficial for him to get some positive feedback and some pointers from the instructor though to help his confidence and re-enforce a few things. I could have stayed and browsed for a bit & did some damage to the Mastercard in the fly tying supplies, but, at 10 years old, his attention span and belly said it was time to go.

We spent the afternoon relaxing and I was refreshing myself on some maps for our evening adventure. A little after 5PM we rolled out again, this time due west. The time had come for his initiation to The Tully, I opted to just start at the top, we dropped in right below the damn. The little guy hooked up on his first fish ever on the fly and brought it to hand. He had previously only landed a few I had hooked and let him bring them in. I can't say he was thrilled that it was a Blue Gill, it had him feeling it though, as he landed at least a handful more. We were just above the first deflector and he didn't want to head downstream to look for anything else. Finally, around 8 we pulled out of that area and headed down that raggedy trail to find an open spot on the creek. We took turns casting for a little bit, then he just watched. We wrapped up the evening with the fish still rising,but, light quickly fading after I finally managed to land a Sunny of my own.

I know we can all relate, the excitement in his voice as the trout were rising, then, the disappointment and frustration when they would refuse our offering. A nice tight line with a enthusiastic trout at the other end would have been awesome,but, he took it in stride and just said "we'll be better prepared next time".

I gotta say, he is going to be just fine with this Fly-Fishing thing and I am looking forward to many more trips with him. Well maybe after I can convince him to start tying his own knots :lol: :lol:

Glad to see you got out BigJack, and it sounds like Little John had a great time on the Tully. Good luck and good fishing.
The kind of posts I love to read.
Bluegills are fun too. Teach him well, keep him interested, you will have a fishing buddy for life....
afishinado wrote:
Glad to see you got out BigJack, and it sounds like Little John had a great time on the Tully. Good luck and good fishing.

He had a great time at the Tully, it was his first real experience with such clear water that was so full of life. The fish rising, seeing a nice active hatch with them popping up out of the water. We also set up near a pod that, after we had been standing still for a few minutes you could see do that little sideroll as they were bottom feeding. I am glad we had a weekend night to get up there without rain or us having something else to do, so he could experience it. It was also easier to get to then I was worried it might be after they change the road layout up there.

Now I guess I need to get serious about getting stocked up with two guys worth of appropriate flies to give us a better chance going forward.