Jungle ****



Active member
Sep 11, 2006
A gentleman at work was interested in tying more, so he had me come over to see what materials he had were good, what wasn't good, what was too old, and what he should buy to tie certain flies.

Most of his current materials were given to him by his father.

When digging through the draws of his tying desk, we came upon 2 half necks of jungle ****. a lot of the feathers are raggity, but some are in good shape, epecially the smaller ones.

He was wondering what these are worth, dollar wise. You guys have any idea?
I hope you told him how worthless they were and offered to dispose of them personally...I saw a full neck somewhere listed for about $240 recently...they grade down from there like other feathers but...
ah you can get them for around 100 to 150...