Jungle ****



Well-known member
Oct 18, 2006
I just got this jungle **** cape from a guy on ebay from Estonia.
Not bad for $30.00.
He has a ton of them listed.
Watch your mouth.
I love Russian mail order jungle ****. That guy has some fabulous specimens for reasonable prices.
I just got one too. Think it was 20.
What are the shipping costs from a place like Estonia? Do they just put it in the mail, or use other carriers?
Dang, hard to beat that. I have all I need or I'd jump on that.

I've been watching this item as well. Primary use for me is tying jassids in sizes 18-22. Seller does not identify grade, but based on price, my guess would be C. How is the selection of small eyes 1/4" and under?

I'm not familiar with this material and hope I'm not jacking the thread. What purposes does jungle **** serve?
YoughnessMonster wrote:
I'm not familiar with this material and hope I'm not jacking the thread. What purposes does jungle **** serve?

I'm not an expert but I've only heard of them being used as eyes on salmon flies but I'm sure they have other uses. I thought it was illegal to sell real jungle **** these days but like I said, I'm no expert and could very well be wrong..............again. :)
The eyes on my xape are all small. I wanted my cape for streamers so im kinda bummed out. Its still cheap no m.atter what
Fox: From what I've read, importation is legal if the neck was heat treated to 248 degrees (120 Celsius) for 30 minutes and clean, dry and free of blood, urine and manure. Before I would order, I would ask for documentation demonstrating that importation into the US is legal. I've noted that much of the jungle **** on ppt he web comes to the US via Canada. Sounds fishy to me.

Youghness: Jungle **** nails have been used for many decades as decoration on salmon flies and to imitate eyes when tied on the flanks of streamers such as the Hornburg. My intended use is as the shell back of a very small leaf hopper fly called a jassid (size 18-22 with body of thread, a hackle of the same color as the body and clipped on the bottom and a lacquered jungle **** nail tied flat on top.) Favorite color is black, but ginger and tan also work well for me. It is and old school Cumberland Valley pattern that deserves a spot in every fly box.

tech needs to have import papers done(i think there about 60bucks which is part of the total cost bying from a up and up dealer) that being said this is one of those cases where stuff gets pushed though without really checking out at customs i bought one it was shipped in a plain document envelope with the words fly tying materials from the place of origin so there must not really be a big feather regime working on stopping feather importation
Excellent point Quilfly. I justed asked the seller several questions regarding importation into the US. Will post response.
Why ruin a good thing? Unless you work for customs who cares?
Not looking to ruin anything for anyone. Just alerting board members that this may not be as simple as just hitting the place bid button. The response I received from the eBay sellers only reinforces my concerns.

Question:  Do you provide documentation that these capes meet the requirements for imporstion into the US? If not, what assurances does a buyer have that capes are not being imported illegally. 

Answer:  I do not provide any papers but take a look at my feedback, I do ship capes worldwide that way without any problems for couple years but if you need papers you should ask for legal ones somewhere else.

Beyond the possible legal issue, these capes are not graded. Since I'm looking for a neck with an abundance of small nails, I'll look for a AA cape from US supplier.


Ahh got ya. Sorry