SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Night time is the right time. Fish jetty country, from Asbury north. Fish the jetties THOROUGHLY. All levels of the water column, especially tight to the rocks. Use a circle hook fly and you won't hang the rocks. Make sure you spend time working the 70' of water off the tip of each jetty, down to the bottom. There are lots of rocks down there, too. Use big flies that push a lot of water in white, yellow, black, and purple. It should take you twenty minutes to fish a groin (small jetty), and an hour to fish a big jetty. You can pick some very decent fish this way.
If you can only get out during the day, fish from Point Pleasant south, sight fishing the beach in the high sun. Use nose-weighted sandeel flies and calico crab or mole crab patterns in size 1 or so. Fish cruise the trough between sand bars looking for whatever is available.
If you can only fish in south Jersey, do it at night, in the back. Good luck.