Jim Bashline articles



Jul 10, 2012
Does anyone know if there is a book that compiles magazine articles written by Jim Bashline?
Check amazon. The have a couple of titles w/ Jim Bashline as author. I'm not familiar w/ his writings so I might be sending you on a goose chase...
I'm not aware of a book that compiles articles, but all of the PA Angler editions are available digitally:


And you can pickup some of his Field and Stream articles (and maybe some others) if you use Google books.

Thanks Sal, finding some good stuff in "The Angler" archives.
There is a book he wrote called "Night Fishing for Trout." It's a fun read. He also wrote for the Philadelphia Inquirer for years, they may have his articles archived.
I started looking online, University of New Hampshire has an archive of articles by Jim Bashline. It doesn't appear to provide online access.
That would be a neat collection to look at.

I had an interesting experience with Jim Bashline many years ago. I was staying at my friends cabin on Pine Creek. We were fishing that evening and the fishing was slow with few hatches coming off. A gentleman had walked down from Colton Point State Park and was sitting on the bank watching for insect activity. We talked briefly and he said he had walked down and hoped to catch the brown drake hatch. We fished till dark with little success. The gentleman left without ever casting a line. About an hour later, we heard footsteps on the front porch. It was the same gentleman who had watched us fish earlier that evening. On his hike out, his light had failed and he didn’t want to risk walking out. In those days, the trail was pretty rough and not something you wanted to do at night without a light. We gave him a ride out of the canyon and to his vehicle parked at Colton Point. He was very grateful and gave me autographed copies of his books, “Pennsylvania Angler” and “Night Fishing for Trout” along with a box of his hand tied flies. I still have the books on my book shelf. Just one of those nights you never forget.
Great story, I met him at the first FF Show in Somerset NJ, and bought this book 'Night Fishing for Trout' and he autographed it. We chatted about night fishing a bit, I still have the book.