Jean's Run



Mar 29, 2015
Took a trip to Jean's Run on Saturday and had the whole place to myself...And now I know why! Beautiful little mountain stream, pretty challenging hiking in waders though. As I'm still new to fly fishing, had a successful day with native little brook trout and caught a nice caddis hatch. Proud of myself with a 9' 6wt too! Will definitely make a trip back here, try the lower portion.
Excellent! Great location and makes you feel 'out there' there is a few other streams of simular nature in that area as well.
I haven't been to jean's Run yet. Are waders even needed? It sounds like a high gradient stream from the descriptions I've read.
Congratulations. There's just something special you feel getting out on a secluded little stream and catching little native brookies.

Keith, I think waders are a personal preference type thing for streams like Jean's Run. Some folks just don't feel comfortable wet wading. Me, I love to wet-wade but I wear my studded wading boots and I'm strongly considering adding snake proof gaiters to my setup for remote mountain streams in rattler country.
I don't think waders are necessary, was putting my new orvis ones through a good test run. They hel up well, I did find them useful as the upper portion of the stream is pretty tight and moving down through the stream was easier in some spots. I'd like to travel back to this area on this weekend either for the lower portion or somewhere close by. Any ideas on locations close by?
pmelle, I'm just curious if you went alone or took someone along with you? When I started a thread about JR a while back most people seemed to agree it wasn't a great place to go by yourself. That caused me to skip it since I couldn't find anyone to go.

I'll be in that general area for most of June and would love to fish JR if anyone else wouldn't mind me tagging along.

edit: I haven't been there, but Stony Creek is very close to JR and others have mentioned it is worthwhile.
I went alone. Given the terrain and its remoteness, its probably a good idea to go with someone else. That being said, I would definitely take the company on my next trip up that way, it might be this weekend.
With all the talk about Jeans Run over the years, I've got to get back there. I know it's probably been about 12 or 13 years since I've been there. The last time I was there I had already fished the whole day close by.