


Sep 6, 2013
3 years ive wanted jungle **** and today i Just received my first order of jungle **** today in the mail and tied my first Jassid with a real jungle **** nail...I'm probably alittle to excited, but man does a fly look great with that feather!
They do look awesome don't they? Tough to see though, you must pay attention to where it is, and don't look away.
I undetstand your excitement. When I first began tying, it was not legal to import jungle **** into the US. Those who had pre-ban capes did not give them up easily or cheaply. I traded 1/2 of a #1 Metz Cree neck for about 2 dozen nails suitable for tying size 16 and 18 jassds. I can recall climbing trees along the letort to retrieve a few of those flies.

Not sure what colors you intend to tie, but I've always had great success using austrailian opossum (rusty brown) for the body and ginger hackle. All black has also worked well for me, but I suspect trout mistook it for a small beetle or ant.
I've tied a few from Fox's book and Steeves/Koch and also had great success as well but always used some off the wall feather for the wing, however I haven't tried those colors. Thanks for the advice JJ
While jumgle **** is the traditional tie, i have tied with with orangish goose biots as the wing. The trout never know the difference.
i remember that pattern in a book i got when i first started tying 20 years ago but never tied any or heard of anyone fishing them...interesting.