James Babb - Fish Won't Let Me Sleep



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
James Babb is the former editor of Gray's Sporting Journal, a fact that he mentions often throughout his book, "Fish Won't Let Me Sleep." It is a fishing book, as opposed to being a fishing-related book. I had hoped I would like it, but I believe I was reading a collection of his columns and articles from Gray's.

The book is divided into six sections: Blue Horizons, which chronicles some of his fishing trips; Life in Miniature,which describes fishing locales; Enabling Devices, which discusses fishing tackle of various sorts; Here Be Dragons, which examines more fishing trips; Once More Into the Brine, saltwater stories; and finally Signs and Portents that looks at fishing weather and more fishing trips. (I skipped the saltwater section.)

If you don't mind reading a collection of previously published tales (at least that's what I think they are), you might enjoy some of this book, though you might tire of Babb's repetitive mentions of his former life as a fishing writer/editor and his name dropping of notable fishing writers. Since Babb was a former editor and professional writer, you will find the book to be well written. Some of his fishing adventures are interesting ones, esp. when he fishes in Maine for landlocks and some brook trout.

I hate to diss a writer's book, but I did not write my name in this one as a "keeper." I could donate it to some "worthy cause."

On a scale of one to five, with five being the highest rating, I am afraid I'd score this one at only a two. If you can buy it at a dramatically reduced rate or can borrow it from a library, I think you could find a little enjoyable reading if you pick and choose what you read, though that is a little tough to do. Sorry to be pretty negative about this book.
well said,sir...