Jamboree Count down



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
In two weeks...at this time I will be sitting in Gaines hopefully around a fire ring, smokng a cigar with a cold beer staring at a sky full of stars.

How bout you?

Yeah, I might be back to camp by now. If so, hopefully I'll be drinking one of your beers smoking a cigarette and arguing with someone if all goes as planned.
I see no problem with that suggestion maurice. None at all.

I, for one, am pumped.
I am trying to talk a good friend of mine to go, I am not sure whether I can still "reserve a spot", but if nothing else as I explained to my friend it would be a good experience as we are both new to fly fishing. If there is still openings for camping please let me know as I am very interested in taking part of the jam. I'm sure I can learn ALOT.
Call them, I'm sure there's still spots available:

Kenshire Kampsite
Phone: 814-435-6764

Here's the web address:
Kenshire Campgrounds
I am looking forward to some canyon floating and cold brews. Hopefully we can give the rangers a break on this weekend!
I'm off the week before that, having to be back at work in Pittsburgh sat the 2nd at 2:30 pm.
I plan on fishing the Delaware River then, starting home friday.
I could come back along route 6 from there, and stop in friday evening, if that's OK. I don't know if I could spend the night there - I really ought to get a little closer to home
But it would be really be nice to meet you guys - (I've already met Festus)!
Will anybody be there thursday evening by any chance?
I just made my reservations! I will be at site #61 and should be arriving Friday evening late, possibly stupid O'clock Saturday morning. I will be staying Saturday night and Sunday night at Kenshire, then moving down the valley for Monday night. I should have some room if anybody wants to carpool to the creek. I can't wait to meet everybody so we can hoist a few beers and maybe share a lasagna recipe or two!


I'll be there Thursday night.

Not a bad start....

Thursday, May 31
Mostly Cloudy
Low: 52 °F
High: 69 °F

Friday, Jun 1Mostly Cloudy
Low: 55 °F
High: 71 °F

Saturday, Jun 2
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly cloudy
Low: 56 °F
High: 75 °F
That would be wonderful. I cant deny I'll sacrifice the campsite if its gonna rain all weekend.
Pine is a sorely missed creek to my flyfishing resume and the waters around it, but Fesstus feels we wont want to bother with them if the Drakes are coming off on Pine. But isnt the Sinnemahoning not too far away from there?
No rain in the forcast, thats great! Maybe it's me that always brings the rain..enjoy!

I will really miss being there!

We rented one of the trailers to camp in. Look for us Friday night:

Just kidding. I'm sure the trailer is very nice.
im still hoping that i will be able to make it. i have a cabin of painter run rd and if camping spots are no longer available ...im sure a few of you guys could campout at the cabin! now i know that clean bathroom facilites, a working stove and running water arent really camping but hey....
anyways i should know later next week if ill make it. if not good luck all!
squaretail....if you go dont forget about slate run! that is such a good darn stream. probably alot of hatches comin off that thing by now. go get one of those big wild browns! :-D
Wow no where in the forecast did I see the terms "torrential down pour" "Dangerous lightening" or "Damaging Hail" I may have to rethink my typical jamboree strategy.

p.s. Jack where did you get a picture of me and my wife's honeymoon cottage? She was speechless.
Finalized plans today. Me, Gino, Brandon and Santino will be leaving headquarters about 1:30 PM Friday. This should get us to the CG at about 6-6:30PM. We'll quickly get situated in our camper and be heading out to catch an evening rise, hopefully. We'll be staying until Monday at check out and then fishing our way back home.

I'm an early riser and I'd be happy to make the coffee, but I'll need a large coffee pot. Does anyone have one to bring?
I have as big of a coffee pot as I could find at Gander. I would think atleast 12 cups if no one has any larger. One of those blue ones with white specks on it. Should be there friday afternoon to beat'em down before you get there!
Well, maybe not ALL of'em.
I think what we need is one of those big silver urns that fire halls have...anyone have access to one of those.
I wish I could go to the Jam. Is my daughter’s graduation really that important? ;-)

But as it turns out I’ll be pitching a tent overnite this Sat about 5 miles downstream from where the jam is being held. I’ll report back on the conditions and bugs.

I actually have a great weekend planned; I have Fri and Tues off. Will head to my camper Fri am and fish Penns. Sat am head to Pine, stay til Sun, then back To Penns and surrounding streams until Tues.

I might even have a cold beer or two…

I'm planning on heading out Thursday morning. Sorry folks, don't listen to the weather forecast, pack rain gear.
