Jacob's Creek



New member
Feb 9, 2018
Hello all, I am planning on fishing Jacob's creek near Donegal. Specifically the section that runs right along the turnpike. It looks like really nice water but I've never gotten around to fishing it. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience on that stretch of stream?
The creek is very pretty to look at, but I believe it is very sterile. I tried it out about 10 years ago and did see a chub or two, but did not catch any trout. This is not to say that things haven't changed as they sometimes do. There may be brookies.
Checking my fishing log, I fished the turnpike section one time for two hours on 10/9/05. Stream conditions were good, but I only caught a single stocked brown. There was no evidence of the wild browns reported by the Fish & Boat Commission.

I'd advise passing on it...
Never fished it, though I agree the TPike stretch looks like nice water. Nice gradient to it. Check out its headwaters on the top of Chestnut Ridge on a sat map though...very exposed and a lot of farm land and golf course land usage. Both are generally not good for Trout streams. One branch also has a good sized reservoir on it. My guess is that a combination of these factors is its downfall by the time it reaches the forested, higher gradient TPike stretch.

It’s stocked, and not on the natural reproduction list, but a lot can change in the 10 or 15 years since the reports posted in this thread. Worth a fish IMO. Wild Trout, especially Browns, are tough and tend to show up in places you didn’t think they’d necessarily be. Worst case, there should be some stockies there. Tell us what you find.
I fished from bridgeport reservoir up to route 31 two weeks ago and caught 17 stocked trout. I didn't catch any in the first half mile of fishing though. More trout as I got farther up.
I probably will have to go give it a look, even if it is iffy. Best thing that can happen is I discover a fine section of trout stream, and the worst thing that can happen is enjoying a nice day on a very pretty section of the creek haha.
Good for stockies.. I’ve fished the stream for the last 8-10 years regularly and I’ve never caught a native or wild fish in any stretch of it including the turnpike stretch.