jack rabbit hair



New member
Dec 28, 2015
I bought jack rabbit winter shoes in natural white (more of a yellow tan tint to it) and the recipe calls for snowshoe. Would they happen to be the same? Thanks.
no opion never tied with it but looking into it the fur may not be as long. Could go either way try it out. I do like snowshoe.
I also like snowshoe. Just tied some caddis this morning with it. It's not a pain in the a$$ like cdc and floats like a cork.
Also if ya have trouble finding snowshoe let me know I have a source that's very reasonable on price and the stuff is good quality.

I got lucky and found a supplier (Private) for Hare I have 20 on the way though it may be fall
I thought fur from snowshoe hare feet behaves differently than fur from most rabbits due to the water repellet fibers that allow the hare to scoot along on top of snow. The rabbit dubbing that I have soaks up water.
Les you are correct fur from snowshoe feet is way more repellent. One other thing to watch when purchasing is to make sure you are getting the Hind legs and not the fore legs.