Jack M. - scientific papers - stocking over wild trout



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006

Earlier this week RLeeP said something like: "there is stocking , and then there is stocking." He hit the nail on the head. You have been referred to some good scientific papers on the topic of stocking over wild trout. When thinking about Pa. as you read those papers, it is important to consider the variations in stocking programs discussed and how those compare to Pa. Those variations can make a big difference in the impact of stocking, a point that is missed in all of the discussions that I have seen on this board. As you apparently already suspect, the topic, at least from my experience, is not so black and white as I once thought it was and as some on this board believe it to be. There are nuances and major variations, but I think they are missed or ignored on the board.

For instance, a paper that I had read that dealt with stocking over wild trout in the Pacific Northwest, as I recall, described negative impacts. But there could be no real comparison made to Pa in that case. Why? Because the stocking occurred throughout the summer with great frequency and brought anglers to the streams again and again. Ultimately, the number of fish being stocked in the stream well exceeded Pa. stocking rates. Plus Pa's stockings occur with much lesser frequency on any given water and the stocking season is much shorter. This substantial difference between state programs was never pointed out when this paper was mentioned on the board in the past in support of no stocking over wild trout, yet it probably makes a big difference in the impact on wild trout being harvested. Variations in stocking rates, frequency of stocking, species stocked, effective season lengths, and the number of angler trips all can make a difference, in my opinion. No surprise here... some of these variables have apparently made a difference in some of my experiences in Pa.

Happy reading.
Just FYI about different fishing related subjects for all to read (too hot to go fishing). The first is a study co-authored by Mike Kaufman. Not to single out Jack, this applies to me as well as most on this board. Jack, you're an attorney, it is likely that no one that's not an attorney knows more about law than you do. Mike is a fisheries biologist…………….

Everyone has an opinions based on what they read and observe and that’s fine and it’s fun to argue, but I try to listen and learn when an expert gives facts and opinions. I try to absorb the facts and form my opinion based on that. This is just a general statement not directed at any one individual or subject. Stay cool.

(Click on “complete study” for PDF)







Mike, I just don't believe the answers our as simple as some people think. I have some problems with what the PFBC does on some occasions, but I also don't think some folks realize the full extent of what it means to manage a staewide fishery program where the constituency is not made up entirely, or even substantially, of C & R wild trout fly anglers.

afishianado, thanks for the various links. I have read them. I am not sure what you were hoping I would learn from them. Nothing really surprised me. The issues that started me on my recent skeptical queries were the claim that "studies" show bait fishing to cause 50% mortality, the general notion that stocking is always detrimental to wild trout populations, and the claim that stocked trout do not last more than a few weeks in the creek because they are somehow inferior. Perhaps I read too quickly, but I didn't see any of these claims supported as broadly as they are claimed in some of the posts I encounter on here.

No answers to your questions in the links, just interesting FYI stuff I found at random searching for info.