J Stream Temps



Active member
Jul 7, 2021
Good morning,

Looking to finally start some fall scouting on my favorite streams. I like going in low water to find spots I can't find in high water, and it lets me get a visual of the stream bed. How have the temps been recently on the J with cooler nights and some rain bump? What time have temps been surpassing the threshold? I don't mind the 2 hour drive but would be nice to fish while scouting too. Thanks!
Good morning,

Looking to finally start some fall scouting on my favorite streams. I like going in low water to find spots I can't find in high water, and it lets me get a visual of the stream bed. How have the temps been recently on the J with cooler nights and some rain bump? What time have temps been surpassing the threshold? I don't mind the 2 hour drive but would be nice to fish while scouting too. Thanks!
Here is a link to a gauge on the little J at Spruce Creek.

Edit: Sorry just saw you were looking for temps not flow
Temps on any limestone influence river like the LJ will be pretty widely variable based on location. I know of several spots that I’d bet stayed safe for trout fishing all summer at least until midday or so. There’s one spot in particular along 453 where a massive influx of mid 50’s degree water immediately transforms one of the warmest stretches of the whole river into one of the best! Your best bet is to look for the influence of springs and seeps and fish those areas. Worst case if it gets too warm during your scouting mission, head over to Spruce or spring for the evening.
Temps on any limestone influence river like the LJ will be pretty widely variable based on location. I know of several spots that I’d bet stayed safe for trout fishing all summer at least until midday or so. There’s one spot in particular along 453 where a massive influx of mid 50’s degree water immediately transforms one of the warmest stretches of the whole river into one of the best! Your best bet is to look for the influence of springs and seeps and fish those areas. Worst case if it gets too warm during your scouting mission, head over to Spruce or spring for the evening.
Definitely. I actually know the exact spot you’re talking about - isn’t there a name for that stretch of springs entering in? And good idea on hitting spring or spruce - haven’t been to either in a bit!
Definitely. I actually know the exact spot you’re talking about - isn’t there a name for that stretch of springs entering in? And good idea on hitting spring or spruce - haven’t been to either in a bit!
I think Bill Anderson refers to them as the “road springs” but that’s the only name I’ve ever heard. The tail out below there as well as the next mile or so down river should stay safe till about 11 am especially with the higher water levels, anyways by then the fishing will probably suck anyway.
I think Bill Anderson refers to them as the “road springs” but that’s the only name I’ve ever heard. The tail out below there as well as the next mile or so down river should stay safe till about 11 am especially with the higher water levels, anyways by then the fishing will probably suck anyway.
Yes that’s what I was looking for. And yeah i agree for summer time. In fall and winter I fish the J all day and never have a decrease in action. Love that river, looking to move that way soon!
Yes that’s what I was looking for. And yeah i agree for summer time. In fall and winter I fish the J all day and never have a decrease in action. Love that river, looking to move that way soon!
I really enjoy fishing there as well. I have noticed overall that the fish I’m catching seem to be smaller than average recently (the last 2 years or so). Like real shrimpy skinny long things. Meanwhile the ones on Penns are fat and fight hard. Have you noticed a similar trend?
I really enjoy fishing there as well. I have noticed overall that the fish I’m catching seem to be smaller than average recently (the last 2 years or so). Like real shrimpy skinny long things. Meanwhile the ones on Penns are fat and fight hard. Have you noticed a similar trend?
I’ve noticed penns has brought larger fish on average, and the J has averaged smaller fish. But, I’ve also found that I catch more of my larger notable fish on the J in comparison to penns. I also noticed that the fish on the J seem to color up more than Penns!
it is not advisable to catch fish too close to the road springs. Released trout often shoot upstream into that bathwater when they need to recover. Right at or downstream of the trestle below the springs would be a better bet. Water is very low right now, another type of stress.
I was there last week, I fished some of the class a tribe, did good for small fish up to 10 inch. I took the water temp at the bridge below the spring the little J, 67 so I fished it for awhile. I needed a break from the small streams and all the brush. I caught a few small fish. The fishing really isn't very good right now, I'd wait. I wish I knew when the fish would start to move back to their normal spots, after the rain and the cooler weather I'm thinking most of the stream is going to have decent temps. However, I've never done real well in September regardless of temps, seems like it takes the fish awhile to get back to normal.
Not a problem! I really wish all of the USGS gauges contained temperature readings, as only some do.
The gauges require money to maintain the gauges and sensors, so I'm sure if you wanted to sponsor an array of sensors that included temperature, the USGS would be happy to take your money and upgrade any of the gauges you wish to sponsor :)
The gauges require money to maintain the gauges and sensors, so I'm sure if you wanted to sponsor an array of sensors that included temperature, the USGS would be happy to take your money and upgrade any of the gauges you wish to sponsor :)
Yes that is obvious. If I had the finances for it I would love to sponsor some for my favorite streams. Hopefully down the road I can.
*rubs bottle, genie comes out*

Genie:"You get three wishes"

Person: "I WISH I had a 100 million dollars"

Genie: "Money requires labor, I'm sure if you needed 100 million dollars, there are a wide array of employers willing to hire you that would be willing to trade your labor for money."

Person: "sheesh. I know how employment works. It was a wish, not a whiny, ignorant declaration of inadequacy that I'm responsible to fix simply because I wish for it."
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It is more complicated than you know. The overwhelming expense is data processing and archival. About 8 years ago the LJRA looked into adding temp and turbidity recordings at the gauge on the LJ. The equipment was thousands, but that wasn't the problem. The major costs were associated with the continued data storage and validation. It's not as simple as adding a hard drive- thousands per year
A more reasonable option was partnering with another organization, such as county conservation groups or SRBC. This was more economical, but this had other challenges.
Feel like that fancy Homewaters club up there would have the scratch to help out with this
There are a few people making money off the river. Homewaters have people on site to monitor temps and conditions. why would they, especially after the legal battle?
Hey, IMO efforts and money are better spent shoring up access. LJRA carried the insurance at the quarry again. They had a few generous benefactors that covered part of the insurance policy, but not all.
You can donate on the website.
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