It's been awhile



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
I hadn't been able to login for quite a while. Anyhow, I wanted to wish Padraic a speedy recovery (though I don't actually know what happened to him).
I hope you all are aware of the problem with the cover of the recent issue of TROUT magazine, a pic of the SRC with a blurb that seems to promote it beside the photographer's name inside. The photographer is Denver Bryan, and he appears to be a SRC promoter.
I think Beth Duris, the editor of TROUT, got blindsided by Bryan's photo, and I know that she and Gauvin have gotten letters and email about this topic. If you choose to register your displeasure with the apparent promo for the SRC (and I think you should), I hope you are more polite than I was when I emailed Ms. Duris b/c she seems to be a conscientious editor who does try to do the right things. I just think she was unaware of what the SRC represents.
Hope things are well with you guys and that you have had good fishing seasons.
Welcome back. I think I can repeat the public knowledge on Padraic. He had a bad bike accident that injured his spine severely. Through the help of his doctors and therapists and a great positive attitude and a lot of hard work, he is beginning take some steps and we look forward to him being able to wade soon.
Denver Bryan is a famous outdoor photographer who's photos, if you ever owned any calender that dealt with fishing, are in there somewhere. Anyway, I noticed that too but was waiting to see if it would come up here first. Not sure what they were thinking but I imagine TU is going to have to rethink and respond in some way. I don't thin Mr, Bryan is actually a promoter of SRC but may have cashed in on an invitiation or opportunity. I would imagine, him being from the west and not PA, he isn't even aware of the controversy. However, i'm sure SRC gave him their version of the story if any. Here's his email. Maybe if he knew the possible harm the exploitation of his talents has caused, he might be rather angered if not remorseful. Only one way to find out...
JackM wrote:
Welcome back. I think I can repeat the public knowledge on Padraic. He had a bad bike accident that injured his spine severely. Through the help of his doctors and therapists and a great positive attitude and a lot of hard work, he is beginning take some steps and we look forward to him being able to wade soon.

The way I tell it is much funnier. :cool:
Sorry Padraic, I hadn't heard the comic version. I hope everything is going well.
Did see intiially that the photo was from SRC, I just noticed it as a crappy photo, this guys a professional photog and the photo sucks, maybe that's why I didn't take notice that it was from SRC.
I don't agree that the editor has done a good job though, the native trout issue recently had a reference to brown trout being native, there was the Whitlock article that said installing reflectors facing downstream pushed the water toward the center of the channel, it erodes the banks during high water. And there have been other things. I think there have been just too many of these things, and otherwise beautiful photos aren't coming out well in print especially in this issue.
If she's a professional, and I believe she is, she's got to do better.
As for being blind sided, don't bet on it. DB throws a lot of money around.
BTW welcome back!
Regarding the cover photo on the fall issue of TROUT:

I had no idea what is printed on that guys hat until the someone pointed it out on another flyfishing website - I couldn't even read it with my 2x power bifocals. After putting it under a magnifying lamp, I could finally then, just barely, see what it says. I'm sure the editor, just like me, didn't see the spring ridge club logo either, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt here.
dryflyguy wrote:
Regarding the cover photo on the fall issue of TROUT:

I had no idea what is printed on that guys hat until the someone pointed it out on another flyfishing website - I couldn't even read it with my 2x power bifocals. After putting it under a magnifying lamp, I could finally then, just barely, see what it says. I'm sure the editor, just like me, didn't see the spring ridge club logo either, and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt here.

The issue isn't the cap. On page 7, there's a blurb about the cover photo and the photographer where they say the photo was taken on Spring Ridge Club and it gives their website address.

I also give the editor the benefit of the doubt. She probably never heard of Spring Ridge Club before and just accepted a photo from this well-known photographer.

If Denver Bryant is getting paid by Donny Beaver for these types of placements, than Bryant has an ethical obligation to reveal that to the editor.
Reminds me of the article on Penns Creek in Eastern Fly Fishing about a year ago. It featured the private water owned by SRC and mentioned that Penns was only fishable for about a half mile below the headwaters.... It never mentioned the 20 plus miles downstream of there. I guess it's not considered "fishable" because there aren't any bloated, pellet-fed, easy-to-catch rubber fish below SRC.

Who would want to fish for wild and holdover trout on a stream with incredible hatches and NOT have to pay a hefty fee to do it? At that point I decided that mag clearly wasn't for me.

I'm guessing the author got a freebie at SRC. I've let all my subscriptions run out after reading several inaccurate articles about streams I know well. I still get Trout as a TU member, but I won't subscribe to any of the fly fishing mags.

It's good to see a couple of the old timers back on the board.

Welcome back RRT and Tim B!