Ithan Creek in SEPA Wild Trout Question



New member
Jan 15, 2022
I see that Ithan Creek in SEPA is on the natural reproduction list. I have not personally caught any wild trout there. I have caught wild trout in a number of other nearby SEPA streams that are on the natural reproduction list. It would not surprise me if Ithan were able to support wild browns, it is short and shaded and does not seem silted from runoff (although it does run through a golf course). I haven't measured summer temps there. Ithan is stocked every year and I've caught stockers there, but it is pretty much overrun with fishermen, mostly bait fishers, when stocked. I have nothing against bait fishers, and I see that Valley Creek allows bait fishing and still has a thriving wild trout population. However, Ithan is a tributary to the much larger Darby Creek, which is also stocked (and would probably not support wild trout IMO). It seems (to me) that, since Darby Creek is right nextdoor, Ithan Creek would be a great candidate for a small non-stocked FFO stream (non-stocked, wild fish only). Or, even if it were not designated FFO, I think that if it were not stocked it would have a better chance of supporting a wild population. I have seen comments from knowledgeable people on this board that stocking does not really affect wild populations. But that may not be the case for very small streams (like Ithan). Just looking for comments from any others who have fished Ithan Creek, to see if they also think it has potential as a wild trout stream. Thanks.
I can't speak about the current situation, because I haven't fished Ithan in about 20 years, but I can say with certainty that it HAD some wild brown trout. Always a very small number, but they were there. The fish themselves were mostly very small as well.

A few hundred yards downstream of Bryn Mawr Ave, past that little concrete bridge, there used to be (probably gone now) a small log dam. I forget if it was natural or manmade, but I caught a really nice 12" wild brown that came out from under it and took my offering. I was amazed by it's size.
It's possible there are still a few wild browns in Ithan, but I'm sure it would be a very small number.
I have seen comments from knowledgeable people on this board that stocking does not really affect wild populations.
May i inquire in a genuinely curious non-snarky way who was espousing that notion?
The comment that Ithan had a very low density of wild browns was correct, even a decade ago. They are probably still there, but of course there’s no guarantee. Also rumored to have wild browns was a stretch of Darby, either within the upper stocked portion of Darby (upstream from Ltl Darby confluence) or perhaps the individual meant upstream from the official upper stocking limit, meaning the upstream limit of Section 02.

When my staff searched Ithan and tribs farther upstream from the stocked portion of Ithan no wild trout were found. I can’t recall if the problem was habitat, temp, or both, but I think the gradient declined so it could have easily been both.
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If some group is interested in improving the stream, maybe you could work with the golf course on improving the riparian buffer along the stream. Some golf courses are beginning to do this.

There are definitely opportunities for improvement. Trying pasting this location into Acmemapper or Google Maps, and you can the closely cropped lawns right up to the stream.

N 40.02388 W 75.36439
Other possibility is if like mike said the temp and other variables are borderline it could be intermittent repro from stocked fish
Thanks for all of the information. Looking at the satellite picture was revealing, thanks for suggesting that. I didn't realize the stream was so open on the golf course. If the creek is unable to support even a small wild trout population now, it's unlikely that anyone would go to the trouble to change stream regulations, especially to favor a select group of fishermen. I know we're lucky to even have one wild trout fishing creek (Valley) down here near the city, but it would be great if we could develop some other streams, or sections of streams, for wild trout fishing. I will poke around Ithan this winter to see if any wild browns are around.
Fished it once about 10 years ago and I also only caught stocked trout. However, the water seemed cold enough that the idea of wild browns there isn't too far fetched. There were a couple deep pools that can likely support them but that assumes they don't get harvested, like you said. In between the pools there wasn't much habitat though.
Trout Ck in Montgomery Co, not all that far from Ithan and Valley, had a better population, but still another low density population, as long as you stayed upstream of the sinking stretch. Can’t say if that population is still there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is since the basin was already fully developed at the time of the discovery in about the early 1990’s and the stream had some limestoner characteristics or was a limestoner.
Trout Ck in Montgomery Co, not all that far from Ithan and Valley, had a better population, but still another low density population, as long as you stayed upstream of the sinking stretch. Can’t say if that population is still there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is since the basin was already fully developed at the time of the discovery in about the early 1990’s and the stream had some limestoner characteristics or was a limestoner.
EDIT: just checked the map, the below actually applies to a stream farther east.

I think it does based on what I've seen on a certain fish catch reporting app. And usually it takes a decent population or at least a heavily-fished one before wild trout start showing up on that app as most users are more casual anglers. That said, I haven't fished it.