Issue: Replies and new posts.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007

FWIW, last night I was able to start looking at all pages. However, around that time I've been unable to make REPLIES to current threads.

It appears I can start new threads and edit posts.

This is on both Safari 5.0.3 and Firefox 3.6.13, OSX 10.6.6. Cookies were already cleared.
Are you using the quick reply box at the end of the page? If so, mine doesn't work either. When I hit the "reply" button, just under "top", "previous topic", etc., it works....
This is the Reply button at the base of your last post.

Will this be seen?

Edit: It will. Damn. I didn't think I'd been doing anything different, but there's that. I think the Fast Reply button issue was already noted.

I suspect this thread can be nominated for deletia.
So the Fast Reply and the text box below it do not work. Correct?
Reply works, but the fast reply does not.