Is it worth it?



New member
Dec 14, 2006

I'm thinking of heading to Fishing Creek in Lamar or Spring Creek in Bellefonte and was wondering if it was worth it with the current conditions?
Are you driving from NJ and when are you leaving...supposed to storm tonight and tomorrow. There might be water by weekend.
oh yeah its worth it, heard fishing creeks real low but i just fished spring the past week and weekend for the first time since college and was real mad i had to go home and back to work, seriously wouldn't have if i didn't have a big student loan payment each month, got pretty good numbers even with the heat, hit fishermans paradise and below, water levels ain't too bad, plus you better get a move on before spawning starts.


Thank you for te Reply,I looked up the Weather Forecast and saw it was suppose to rain!I would like to go up Wensday and yes I will be driving up from Jersey.I hear the Fishing Creek doesn't get "Dirty" and hoping that the Storms will raise it a bit and hopefully throw it off Color a little.Not much of a Streamer Guy but loving Nymphing and being able to get up on the Fish in off Color Water.Please keep me Posted and inform me of how much Rain was received before wensday Morning ad your experience of Fishing the Stream with the Total Rainfall.Thanks in advance.Feel free to PM Me if you'd like.

P.S I "Hear" Spring is flowing better?
I fished them both this past weekend and did well on both. With the time of year and hunting and steelhead starting up pressure was definatley less and the fish acted as such. Midges did best on Spring and scuds did well on both. Used my Letort tricks on Fishing as the water was as low as you've heard. It was hard fishing, but rewarding.
Had to fish like a heron does.

How far does the No Fishing on "Sunday" Area extend to?
it is just the section of the narrows that has the cabins on it.
However, the for most of the cabin area, the other side of the creek is state game land. So, you can walk back from the last cabin down stream (at least for a few hundred yards).

The guy who owns the cabin that is the farthest upstream is a real peice of work and won't hesitate to kick you off the cabin property even though he doesn't fish. I say this because you can't fish teh cabin area if the cabins are occupied as well as Sunday.
Isn't the no fishing on Sunday thing a landowners agreement, not a state regulation?
Have you been reading Mike Lawson's Spring Creeks?
tabasco_joe wrote:
Isn't the no fishing on Sunday thing a landowners agreement, not a state regulation?

Sort of both.

It is a landowners agreement with the state to keep the section open to fishing the other 6 days a week. Otherwise it would be posted.

At the Jamboree a few years ago, we had one guy run off on saturday (I believe) but the guy MKern mentioned. He said somethign like, we have people coming in to fish here this afternoon so you have to leave.
I been thinking about heading up to Coburn for the weekend, not sure what I want to do. Spring Creek is the only one I would fish, if I go. Another reason not to go a PSU home game, lots of traffic. if JF said he was going up I would probably go, don't think he going.

After this weekend they shutoff the water at the CG's, so another reason I would like to go.

What's a guy to do!
