Is it Over?



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
Woke up early this morning in South Jersey. I usually get up around dawn either because of my aging bladder or my goldendoodle. I checked the outside temperature and the air temp. was 59 degrees. Quite a pleasant change. Water temperatures on Valley Creek have consistently been below 70 for the past four days. What do you think, is it over for the summer? :unsure:
I'm an early morning runner and I must admit it has been awfully pleasant the past few mornings. Looking at the weather, we're not supposed to see temps over 90 in the foreseeable forecast. Hoping we've made it through 🤞
I have been looking forward to cooler fall weather since June. I much prefer those mornings when I wake up and it‘s in the mid-40s and the high is about 60-65. I can’t wait for that.

But here in Maryland I know that it’s only August 17th, so I can‘t believe the extreme heat is behind us yet…unfortunately.
Now we need a few hurricanes to spin up and soak us
Well, maybe not a few. Just one that comes up the east coast and gives us an entire day of steady, moderately heavy rain. That would be a big help. These spotty, short lived thunder storms are no real help. We need volume and duration at this point.
I am not sure it's over, but I am enjoying it. August has never been a total loss for me with fishing, as I love the early morning bite and longer nights means cooler water in August than July sometimes. But rain certainly helps!