Is it okay to fish now?



Well-known member
Jan 14, 2013
Westmoreland County
Is it okay to fish now?

Can I fish the limestone streams for wild browns ethically as long as I avoid stepping on and casting over redds?

Is casting into these streams during the spawn season just unwise regardless of precautions taken?

Not trying to start a storm, just would like some opinions.
If you plan to harvest fish, you may OK to fish but not OK to keep so keep that in mind as well.
Go fishing man!!

No worries. Be mindful of redds, especially in tail outs.

Most people including myself fish through the entire fall.
I'd go to a Keystone select area and harass stockies instead of messing with the wild/native trout or take a trip for steelhead/lake runs. Let them spawn and do their thing. No need for added stress to the fish.
The trout have spawned, but the redds are susceptible to damage from indiscriminate wading. Try to stay out of the stream as much as possible.
Yeah I thought it was really instructive to get to clearly see large sections of redds on a heavily trafficked section of Spring Creek this past weekend. There's a few hundred yards there where you couldn't set foot in the stream without stepping on a redd or 10.

There were also long sections totally devoid of redds. Same on Penns. Good to know for planning winter trips.