is it me or are people really that ignorant?



Dec 29, 2008
Was googling for some info on a stream I will be near and plan to fish...

came across this:

From post #11: " I am not sure where you are from Tom but Pennsylvania has a fairly limited wild trout population..."

Perhaps I can excuse this statement if he was from downtown philly and never traveled beyond the city limits, but..this guy is from Lehigh County right in the land of the little lehigh, monacacy, saucon, and many other limestone/limestone influenced streams ALL with healthy wild trout populations... and he spreads this info as a "super moderator"...ugh.

Maybe i'm ultra sensitive to this, but reading this made my blood boil....
welllllllll, he's probably gonna be knowin' where a lot of them are now if he has access to the stats of the site links, lol.
Well people are idiots......and you can only believe what you've seen with your own eyes.

Beileve it or not some folks don't even know that trout can reproduce on there on in the wild. They think all trout come from a truck!
If you haven't noticed, for all the good folks in this state we still have a large amount of mouth-breathing morons. The size of the population in the greater Lehigh Valley certainly never ceases to amaze me! :lol:
RyanR wrote:
If you haven't noticed, for all the good folks in this state we still have a large amount of mouth-breathing morons. The size of the population in the greater Lehigh Valley certainly never ceases to amaze me! :lol:

The Lehigh Valley has alot of those mouth breathing morons....but so does the North side of blue moutain.
C'mon, everything you read on the forums is the "gospel truth"...
trowpa wrote:
From post #11: " I am not sure where you are from Tom but Pennsylvania has a fairly limited wild trout population..."

You're supposed to smile inwards, and not disagree. The proper refrain is, "ain't no trouts in the Monocacy." Replace with your choice of stream, as applicable.

I send 'em to the Little Lehigh, myself. Why, just on this very board, someone, maybe who's in this very thread, told me he had so many trouts in the LL that he could walk across their backs and not get his feet wet, and as I understand it he's sort of an aficionado.

You're supposed to smile inwards, and not disagree.

And then blast people for keeping too many wild trout, blast the PFBC for stocking too many places to accomodate truck chasers, etc.

It always cracks me up that its the same anti K&T folks who then turn around and complain about management. Folks, the chicken or the egg... In order for sound management to protect resources, the masses have to recognize and appreciate the resource. That only happens through education. Don't mock them, help them see the light!
Well said pcray!
I agree with you 100 percent pcray......but a wise man once said "you can fix stupid" and when it comes to some good ole PA boys I think that saying is very fitting!
LOL I did that one on purpose to see if someone would correct it!

Congrats you win the prize and it didnt take you that long either.

Your prolly thinkin Oh boy whats my prize?

Your prize for being a wise guy is that you have now been added to the list of people I wont pull out of a burning building......

Have nice evening!
Alpa, how can you get cross with someone trying to help your post make sense? Typos are one thing, saying the EXACT opposite of what you mean is the kind of error that can create confusion.

People are "ignorant," but that doesn't make them stupid. They are capable of "knowing" but they must be informed. Failing to inform them or mis-informing them as gfen suggests preserves and/or contributes to ignorance.

When I started fly fishing a mere 9 or so years back, I don't think I was aware of wild trout in PA, but if I was, I wasn't aware of the extent of their territory. I certainly didn't think I could find them 30 minutes from home.
Your prize for being a wise guy is that you have now been added to the list of people I wont pull out of a burning building......

Alpabuck wrote:
RyanR wrote:
If you haven't noticed, for all the good folks in this state we still have a large amount of mouth-breathing morons. The size of the population in the greater Lehigh Valley certainly never ceases to amaze me! :lol:

The Lehigh Valley has alot of those mouth breathing morons....but so does the North side of blue moutain.

Oh man do I know that. I've been temporarily living in East Stroudsburg. Have you ever gone to the Wal-Mart in East Stroudsburg? WOW, first time I've actually ever been a little scared in a Walmart. I think all the pics on that People of Walmart site were taken here.
Alpa........pleae tell me 'em cats 'r jus sleepin. Tropa..........jsut for the sake of argument , what were they comparing our wild trout population to? If they were comparing us to say Idaho or Alaska etc. got that right friend , educating anglers is the absolute best way to go , from one on one exchanges of info to the media. Jack you got it right too........knowledge is power , especially when it comes to trout and their ways.
you dont have to kiss and tell in order to educate people that there are many streams with wild trout Pcray...In fact i dont think you need to mention stream locations whatsoever, you can simply direct them to the nat. repro. list and the class A list. I disagree with your assertion that K&T opponents are mixed up in that regard. Education does NOT equal Spoon feeding...or bragging...
Two friends of mine , brothers , who don't get to spend much time together , mentioned that they wanted to do some fishing yesterday and asked me where they should go , i hesitated a moment and then sent them to a place i found on my own and was kinda keepin it under my hat , when they called last night they were whoopin it up , they had both caught three nice trout and released em and being the oppertunist i am i think i talked them both into joining TU , which spent alot of time and money on the stream i sent them to. Kissing and telling and spoon feeding and whatever else it takes , short of sexual favors , get 'em interested , educated and activated the more advocates the better it's that simple.
osprey wrote:
Two friends of mine , brothers , who don't get to spend much time together , mentioned that they wanted to do some fishing yesterday and asked me where they should go , i hesitated a moment and then sent them to a place i found on my own and was kinda keepin it under my hat , when they called last night they were whoopin it up , they had both caught three nice trout and released em and being the oppertunist i am i think i talked them both into joining TU , which spent alot of time and money on the stream i sent them to. Kissing and telling and spoon feeding and whatever else it takes , short of sexual favors , get 'em interested , educated and activated the more advocates the better
Well said, I second this idea.
gfen wrote:
trowpa wrote:
From post #11: " I am not sure where you are from Tom but Pennsylvania has a fairly limited wild trout population..."

You're supposed to smile inwards, and not disagree. The proper refrain is, "ain't no trouts in the Monocacy." Replace with your choice of stream, as applicable.

I send 'em to the Little Lehigh, myself. Why, just on this very board, someone, maybe who's in this very thread, told me he had so many trouts in the LL that he could walk across their backs and not get his feet wet, and as I understand it he's sort of an aficionado.


I was fishing the Monocacy last year and happended to an old fellow who was fishing bait balls in a large hole. He had a few rainbows on a stringer, obviously stockies. I asked him how it was going. He said it slowed down and that he probably had fished out the hole. Looking down with my polarized sunglasses I could clearly see half a dozen small wild browns sipping tricos. I agreed it was probably fished out for the year.