Irish Flag



Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Doylestown Pa.
This is for all my Irish friends


  • MVC-026S (2).JPG
    MVC-026S (2).JPG
    64 KB · Views: 10
coming from the quaker oats boy !!!
How do we know your not just recycling from your Italian friends?
FrequentTyer wrote:
How do we know your not just recycling from your Italian friends?

You're Italian, aren't you? I have this argument with my Italian friends all the time, there is real symbolism in the Irish flag, it's not just a faded out Italian one.

Sorry, proud Irish boy, don't really know why...oh, because being a proud German is considered a bad thing thanks to that whole WWII thing, and I can't be a proud Russian (well, Ukrainian) thanks to that whole "communism" thing...

Back on topic, nice tie. I did an Irish tribute married wing a few years back, but I don't think I have the pics anymore.
its an inside joke with some of us. beady copies a little troll of an itailion named loum on
or vicey versus,
and they both copy me !!!
Aye 'tis a beautiful fly.

You can be a proud German. In fact, if you're German, you're proud. I married into a strong German family. I'm proud of that! My wife is a first generation German. Her grandpa snuck the fam out when the Commies took over his family farm.

I'm prouder of my Irish heritage though, and if you would have met me daddy-o, you'd know why (I didn't call my grandpa "daddy-o", now I'm just hammin' it up).
Sniper, I'm actually as much Irish (maternal side) as Italian (paternal side) and was teasing Henry about the pattern, not the flag. It is good to be proud of what you are!
the wearin' of the Green! Well Done!
Beadhead2, pm sent. Cool fly, love the woven body.
