iPhone pics



May 28, 2013
Is there a way to download pics straight from an iPhone. It lets me choose a pic but it doesn't show up when I try to upload, preview, or post. I have no computer right now, my PC needs a power supply and the old ladies laptop has a virus. Thanks
Likely not. The site is capable of selecting files from a computer or a URL from a another hosting site. So if you upload the pictures to Flicker and then paste the code in from there.

Does anyone know how to embed Instragram photos?

I've noticed that when I send my Iphone photos to an email account and download them to my PC and then try to upload them they don't come in. The problem appears to be related to the extention convention of .jpg as opposed to .jpeg. The site will only handle .jpeg so you have to resave the files as .jpeg in Microsoft picture manager when downsizing.
A neat trick: When you send an iphone pic to your email, it will
ask if what size you would like to send. Select small or medium
and you won't have to resize it to upload it. You will have to re-save it as a jpeg as noted above though.
You can also upload to flickr and use the code or link in the forum as noted, but this does not work in the photos section (forum only).
Yes the photos section and forum were written by different developers so we have a few variants with how that works.
Alright finally got this iphone pic thing figured out I think. You guys can erase this post now if you want.
Not so fast...whats the scoop? How can we upload pics from an Iphone. (sized down)
It's an app called Picup and it took me a while to figure it out. Tried a bunch of other apps and none of them worked.

I'll try to explain. Upload pics to the app. Copy the remote location to clipboard. Then open paff, hit reply, hit the third icon in from message column ( icon next to manager, I can't see what it is on my phone) when it asks for the URL you paste the remote location you copied to clipboard, next it asks position and I just hit cancel, last it asks for width I think and it automatically comes up 300 I just hit OK. Walla

Oh yeah no down size necessary. At least with my 4S. That pic of the brookie is not changed.


Dcap240 wrote:
Oh yeah no down size necessary. At least with my 4S. That pic of the brookie is not changed.



Dave, According to the code it looks like www.imgur.com hosts the pics.
Yes. Imgur. But you can see the pics right? Or is it just a link for you?
I got the same problem
Yes we can all see them. or should be able to.

LA- What problem you got? Dcap appears to have resolved the Iphone issue.
Could it be his view settings on PAFF or some firewall or antivirus program that prevents certain images?

Why not take a screenshot of what you see and let someone else take a screenshot of what THEY see?
You can also use the Flikr app and directly upload the pics from your phone. Once your pics are uploaded close the app and open the web version of Flickr with safari. From there you can copy the code or links in various image sizes. All without a desktop.
Flickr is the easiest for me too. I have been using that as me preferred posting and then sharing photo service.

Thats a good lookin set of flies Dave. :)