Invasive Brookies ???????

"By staff's estimates, the project will create a safe environment for the Rio Grande Cutthroat, a trout subspecies which presently occupies just 12% of the lakes and waterways it previously inhabited."

I'm very surprised that they think Rio Grande Cutts occupy as much as 12% of the former habitat. I'd have guessed that it was much lower than that.
The problem with Cutts in a lot of the west, Colorado especially, is that they can all easily interbreed with one another and produce viable offspring. Kind of like Sunfish. You end up with varying degrees of mutts everywhere. Not sure how much of that is, or isn’t, playing into that 12%.

I fished a high mountain lake in the Sangre de Cristo Range when I was out there 5 or so years ago. We caught Rio Grande’s (or ones that looked most like Rio Grande’s at least) from that. Ironically, I don’t think they are native to that watershed.
Good. I wish we could get some of that kind of management here in PA!
Good. I wish we could get some of that kind of management here in PA!
I just did a quick Google search and it seems like your average Joe can buy rotenone.........people play "bucket biologist" as we all know and spread invasives around......maybe someone else just needs to be the antagonist to that approach. Someone should just go around rotenone-ing could take it all into your own hands, on the down low obviously. Killing off an entire stream might lead to some legal troubles....
Yes Brookies are highly invasive there and many places in the west as well as Argentina and europe. Applaud managers for trying to rid those streams of invasive brook trout!!
If you liked that article about getting rid of invasive brook trout you’ll love this one. Mind blowing what kind of biological controls are out there in their infancy right now! Theybhve begun making supermale brown trout as well, exciting stuff. Maybe silver fox and I can supply the browns to Slate Run Johnny and the slate run brown trout club in the future😉!

I just did a quick Google search and it seems like your average Joe can buy rotenone.........people play "bucket biologist" as we all know and spread invasives around......maybe someone else just needs to be the antagonist to that approach. Someone should just go around rotenone-ing could take it all into your own hands, on the down low obviously. Killing off an entire stream might lead to some legal troubles....
That would bring a whole new meaning to the phrase "bucket biology." Legal troubles, indeed.
I know that you know I was joking......

People would be PISSED if someone just went around dumping it in streams and lakes.
Haha. I sure hope so!

Ironically, probably more upset than if someone dumped a bucket of snakeheads in a local lake.
I know that you know I was joking......

People would be PISSED if someone just went around dumping it in streams and lakes.
if a random person did it people would be pissed for sure. However, in other states when they use it above a barrier in a small stream and inactivate it with potassium permanganate right below the barrier its generally received very well. People see it doesn’t cause permanent loss of any species from the stream besides the target invasive species and they see the brookies come back. Like you said though if it wasn’t the state that had plans to replace what was there with brook trout and it just killed a fishery without creating a new one it wouldn’t go over well in the majority of cases I am sure.
Haha. I sure hope so!

Ironically, probably more upset than if someone dumped a bucket of snakeheads in a local lake.
Yea exactly lol, you can start the destabilization of an ecosystem people just get angry when you stabilize/fix it, thats when it’s gone to far.

I am sure the people know the overwhelming vast majority of streams in PA are not candidates for rotenone or any piscide. Its like arguing with your barber about what happens to 3 hairs on your head.
Notice how I'm not mad about this? In fact I think it's a good thing. Almost as if us brook trout "zealots" are just advocates for native species in general and have no preferential treatment for brook trout other than liking their beautiful looks and the places they inhabit, and the fact these fish lived here before man did. I don't want brook trout in places they don't belong, in fact I don't want any artificially introduced species that severely impacts a watershed being released into said watershed.
Notice how I'm not mad about this? In fact I think it's a good thing. Almost as if us brook trout "zealots" are just advocates for native species in general and have no preferential treatment for brook trout other than liking their beautiful looks and the places they inhabit. I don't want brook trout in places they don't belong.

Yea I would be practicing “catch and grease” instead of catch and release out there. Same in italy for invasive brook trout with native psychedelic brown trout.

EC7EB5C5 E129 431F BF53 201212558E81
Italy, where the anglers look better than the trout.