


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Hello All,

My name is Ryan Motley, I'm 20 years old and a student at West Chester University. I'm originally from from Pottsville located in Schuylkill County. I recently became infatuated with fly fishing. I've been spin fishing since I was in diapers, but never had a friend to fly fish with. After watching some guys fly fishing at a delayed harvest I've been dying to get out and learn. I'm not afraid to ask questions, so sorry if I become a pest!

I've done some research and talked to some fly fishers. I've got a hand me down rod and real and am dying to get out. I've been practicing my casting with a piece of yarn. However, I'm not sure which flies to buy. Are there any flies that can be used at anytime?

Welcome Ryan. Get yourself some size 14 Adams dries and some Woolly Buggers and you can get started. Maybe even a few size 16 Elk Hair tan caddis, too.

You just missed our "newbie" jam on the Little Lehigh but we are going to have get togethers the next two Saturdays there, so maybe you can join us on one or both. Plenty of other "newbies" to talk to and a few of us less "newbies".
Welcome Ryan, you will definitely enjoy fly fishing!!!!!
Welcome to the forum, Ryan.

A Skuke, eh? I've got some old fishing buddies that are from the Pottsville area. If you're looking for some good advise, stop by Cabelas on the way home and ask for Bob in the fly shop. He's a Skuke too. He'll help you pick some flies to start with, and he can point you to some guys that might take you under their wing up that way.

Guys - if I was to go out today to practice my casting and presentation on an open lake (no trees as I am not ready to deal with that) and have no clue abt Hatch and Entomology but would love to get lucky and catch my first fish -- what would be my top 10 go to flies be for trout and small mouth bass amongst others?
Ryan: Welcome to PAFF.

Hi Ryan

Welcome to the jungle.....

you'll get plenty of advice. I've never met a crew so ready to share knowledge as the people who hang out here at the PAFF.

Stagger_Lee wrote:
Guys - if I was to go out today to practice my casting and presentation on an open lake (no trees as I am not ready to deal with that) and have no clue abt Hatch and Entomology but would love to get lucky and catch my first fish -- what would be my top 10 go to flies be for trout and small mouth bass amongst others?

Stagger - Don't over think things. I'd start out practicing your casting with a small 1/2" piece of bright yarn. Tie your tippet right in the middle.

Once you feel confident enough that you won't get any unwanted piercings, just tie on any dry fly. Doesn't matter what, but an Adams or elk hair caddis would be a fine choice. A dry will be easier to cast than a nymph rig or streamer.

Keep your casts short to avoid frustration. With a little luck, a fish might decide it likes what you're chucking.

Good luck!

Motley13 wrote:
uy. Are there any flies that can be used at anytime?