Interview: Ed Boito at the Pennsylvania Camo Coalition

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The Pennsylvania Camo Coalition is new group dedicated to the preservation of our outdoors, but unlike many others they are uniquely focused on the interests of sportsmen/women in our region. I recently had a chance to catch up with Ed Boito, Special Campaign Director and learned a lot more about the group and the just what they are trying to accomplish in our region.

Dave Kile:  So tell us, who is the Pennsylvania Camo Coalition?
Ed Boito:  Conservation minded sportsmen/women and outdoor enthusiasts who want to learn more about conservation issues, be politically active on water and land issues, and defend our outdoor heritage in Pennsylvania.
DK:  What is it that the Pennsylvania Camo Coalition is trying to accomplish? 
EB:  We are a free service for sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts.  Our goal is to unite sportsmen and other outdoor enthusiasts (hikers, cyclists, kayakers, birders, etc)  through our common interests of resource conservation in an effort to influence the decision making in Harrisburg.  We will be organizing the members to contact their legislators when issues affecting our natural resources or outdoor heritage are on the front burner.  In addition, I will personally be advocating in the State Capitol on issues that affect sportsmen and natural resource issues.
DK:  When was the Pennsylvania Camo Coalition established? 
EB:  In November of 2009, PennFuture became the state affiliate of the National Wildlife Federation (NFW).  We learned from the NWF that other state affiliates had created successful Camo Coalitions which were active and successful in shaping the political debate on resource conservation in their respective states.  We started the PA Camo Coalition in late October of 2010.
DK:  Who are the major supporters of the organization?  
EB:  Other than ourselves, we don’t have any major supporters of the organization.  The costs to maintain the site are minimal.  However, we are hoping that other sporting organizations will support what we are doing and encourage their membership to join.
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