International Fly Tying Symposium



Mar 23, 2011
Hey Everybody. Some of you know me, some don't. My name is Gaeron and I'm 14 years old. I just wanted to see who is going to the International Fly Tying Symposium. Whoever is, please stop by and say hey, because I am tying at the show this year. I'm really excited and nervous, so if anyone has any tips, please throw `em down. Thanks,

Congrats, i always go to this show more so than Somerset, although last year i went to both flyfishing shows Somerset and Valley Forge, i hope they keep the PA show.
If i can help ,it would be to get a tying bag or duffel maybe a small rubbermaid with holes drilled in lip so you can lock it at night also bring a small ott light they usually give you an outlet to plug into carry a small power strip and two extension cords.Don't bring too many tools, have a idea of several items you like to tie and are also good at tying,bring the necessary materials and if you want think like you are preparing for next season's fishing,tie flies to use next year ,also possibly sell too.
if you have a chance a empty foam patch to place flies into after you have tied them or a closed cell foam patch and glue several together with 3M 77 super spray glue then take a razor and straight edge cut some strips and then slit it just like the C&F boxes take strips and glue em to a nice piece of board then you have a display, or get soma contact clips from radio shack say 5-10 of them and drill a hol so you can place clip into it an display yer flies that way.
Hope this helps
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
P.S. bring a small igloo cooler to have drinks and eats nearby the show has jack for food and what they do have is overpriced and sucks.
prepare most of your materials ahead of time, so you don't waste time there getting ready. label every thing also. keep your choices down to just a few fly's.
Hi Gaeron - I suggest wearing a PAFF hat. It'll look good in the video I shoot of you tying, especially when I post it here.

No pressure..... :-D

If you plan on selling flies, have some pre-tied and packaged to sell. Might as well recoup some of your expenses.

If you HAVE to buy food, stay away from the "food court". There's a Middle Eastern dude that is always there selling wraps in the foyer by the restaurant - they rock!

Knock 'em dead, kiddo!

I'll be sure to stop by and say hi.
Keep the patterns to what you need to refresh your box or have a technique in tying that you would want to share. A tv tray to put stuff on behind your counter is worth its weight in gold. Try to keep your table as clear as possible of extra material or tools. Things have been know to walk from these shows. A bed sheet laid over your table at the end of the night with your stuff underneath is about all you need. Take a bottle of water, some snacks and a sandwich with you. Like others have said the food is a rip off. Don't forget an extention cord for your light. The most fun I had at the shows was getting to know the other tyers next to you. Always made the day go quicker and would always swap a fly with each other. Don't forget to take a break and walk around and see the rest of the show. The best time to look for any material is before the crowd comes in, always got to cherry pic the necks from Charle Collins booth. You'll have fun.
Good advise from everyone ,especially plumbob who is a
WORLD CHAMPION tyer ,when he is not unclogging toilets !!!!!!!! LOL
Glad to see you are still around
Hey beadhead I may have to stroll around with you and Lou this year. Missed the deadline to send in my card for a table by a couple months.